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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What a bunch of Croup

I spent a good portion of today getting things packed up to head Up North for the holiday weekend. Got laundry caught up, went grocery shopping, cleaned, packed clothes, food, toys, activities, toiletries, etc. So that we could get up and go tomorrow morning. We were invited to go wtih our friends who have three little girls. And, another friend is bringing her little boy. A cabin in the woods, near a golf course and beach. Just some good old Up NOrth fun.
Well. . . . . .
When I got liv from school, she was as happy as a clam. Riding her bike, smiling, asking what was for lunch and if she could play with her friend. But, before lunch was over, she started coughing. I suggested she take a nap since we had gymnastics in the evening and a long weekend of fun ahead. But, when she laid down, she really started coughing a lot and couldn't fall asleep. Well, she finally rested. But, when she woke up, her cough turned into a honking, raspy sound. Ouch. It sounded painful.
So, I ran her up to the Doc. Bad news. He said it's the croup. What? That sure came on suddenly. So, she is skipping gymnastics and laying around. And, now we have to figure out what we're doing for the weekend. We may split forces and have one parent go Up North with the well child and one stay back with the honking goose (who happens to be very sad about the thought of missing out on any fun).
These are the joys of parenthood.

1 comment:

Morgan's Mom said...

yikes! hate the croup, Morgan had that this winter. The best thing is to sit in the bathroom and run the HOT shower and inhale the steam. Don't get in the HOT water OUCH.
Hope you have a good weekend.