About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My friend

This is Carrie. She is one of my very best friends in the whole wide world. We will be friends forever. Over the years, we have somehow immeshed ourselves into each other's lives in a deep way. Some of our history includes: SC4, roomates at Central, working together for 7 years in the dome, church, small group bible study, girl's club, annual girl's weekend, put-in-bay, bridesmaid, and more. We've been through college issues, weddings, funerals, divorces, pregnancies, childbirth and parenting, and pretty much every thing in between. I thank God for Carrie. She is an amazing friend and an awesome woman.
Now, before I get emails from my other very best friends in the whole wide world. . . don't go high school on me here! I needed to say hi on my blog to Carrie. But, the truth is, I am blessed with an INCREDIBLE array of girlfriends. I don't think I have time to mention them all. And I would surely leave people out! But, I do have to shout out to Dana in North Carolina. COME ON! I could write a book on our history. Then there is Beth. Unbelievable that I still absolutely LOVE my best friend from first grade and always always will. There are many more people who are flowing through my head. Old friends, new friends, friends I have lost touch with, family members, and on and on and on. So, I am not going to attempt to name you all. You know who you are. And I thank God for you all EVERY DAY! What a gift God gives in friends!


GerdyGal said...

I am laughing because you took my teasing to heart and put me in your blog.
I am crying because I already miss you and have not even left for NYC yet.
I am blessed because you are my forever friend.

Morgan's Mom said...

give it up for Carrie!!! whoa whoa!
she is nice and my friend to, blessed to have you both in my life.

T$ said...

Not even a mention of the boyfriend!

Kim Wooster said...

Hey gals. It is so nice to have you both in my life also. I have had some great times and many laughs on overnights with you both. Lets do a shopping trip both before you move at the outlets and NYC once you move!!! Kim

Superstar said...

YES! Let's do one soon. I miss you. And i love that we keep in touch, even though I hardly ever see you!