So, one outta two ain't bad, right? Actually, it's pathetic, so I guess it's confession time.
First, I have succeeded in NOT getting a tan! YAY! For those of you who know me, that is a big deal. I went to Florida, and I have had many nice sunny days here in NYC. It is mid may and I am NOT tanned. I am attempting to take better care of my skin. I'm still all about being outdoors in the sun. I believe it benefits me in many ways (vitamin D, release of nuero transmitters, etc) But, I am trying not to damage my skin. Trying to wear sunscreen and not spend too much time in direct sunlight without it. So far, I'm doing OK.
Second, I have not succeeded in making it a habit to floss every day. There, I admitted it. Gross. I am not in the flossing habit and I need to be.
Perhaps you could hold me accountable and periodically ask me if I flossed today? But, be prepared for me to snap at you. I don't like being called out on things!
I will totally nag you. I LOVE FLOSSING!!! It is one of my favorite parts of my nighttime ritual.
I HIGHLY recommend the reach flosser. It works so well and it's so much easier than floss!!!!
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