About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, May 17, 2010

one outta two ain't bad

I'm not normally one to make new year's resolutions. Just seems kinda dumb. If you want to change something, just do it. Why wait for a new year? But, I will admit that this year, I thought of a couple things around the new year and decided I'd try to make some changes.
So, one outta two ain't bad, right? Actually, it's pathetic, so I guess it's confession time.
First, I have succeeded in NOT getting a tan! YAY! For those of you who know me, that is a big deal. I went to Florida, and I have had many nice sunny days here in NYC. It is mid may and I am NOT tanned. I am attempting to take better care of my skin. I'm still all about being outdoors in the sun. I believe it benefits me in many ways (vitamin D, release of nuero transmitters, etc) But, I am trying not to damage my skin. Trying to wear sunscreen and not spend too much time in direct sunlight without it. So far, I'm doing OK.
Second, I have not succeeded in making it a habit to floss every day. There, I admitted it. Gross. I am not in the flossing habit and I need to be.
Perhaps you could hold me accountable and periodically ask me if I flossed today? But, be prepared for me to snap at you. I don't like being called out on things!


K said...

I will totally nag you. I LOVE FLOSSING!!! It is one of my favorite parts of my nighttime ritual.

K8T said...

I HIGHLY recommend the reach flosser. It works so well and it's so much easier than floss!!!!