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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

city dogs wear sweaters

I'm just saying. It's kinda funny when I find myself turning my head to check out a cute sweater, and it is on a chihuahua!
It's not even that cold. I think the low was in the upper 50's. But, the little doggies are all sportin' their winter apparel. Maybe this is just the fall line. Maybe in winter I will see some cute doggie boots and scarfs.
And, this is in Brooklyn. Imagine what I'd be seeing in Manhattan!


Anonymous said...

Your cell phone takes pictures let's see some of this fashion.
Do you think I should get a vest for Hary Dog?

K said...
