About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, September 28, 2009

good times

Friday night we had our small group. Still small :) But, so nice to hang out with people and dig into God's word, spend some time in prayer and getting to know each other.
Saturday we were able to go to the soup kitchen and serve as a family. That was nice.
Saturday night, I was invited to join the "over 40" girls night out. YAY! Clearly, I am FAR from 40....OK, a couple of years. But, I was so glad to be included. We walked around the Lower East Side, found a great place for dinner, then went for coffee. Ahhh, hanging out with the "girls". How refreshing!
Sunday morning church. Our last week of "practicing". Next week, we open our doors to whoever God brings our way.
Later in the day SUnday, went shopping wCheck Spellingith Alli. Finally got the coat tree for our entry way. Went to IKEA. There goes a few hours! Then, we made a "quick" stop at Fairway Market. Or, so I thought. Quick stop??? I guess not! This place had to be 2 acres of grocery store. We got lost at least 3 times. But, it was fun. ANd, it was the first time I went grocery shopping with the van since we moved. So, I stocked up on a few things since I didn't have to carry it all. We finally have some meat in the freezer.
So, today we have the day off. Still in our jammies. The schools are off for the Jewish holiday.
Those are some of the "good times" recapped from the weekend.
Just to feed those of you (tmp) who read this to stay connected to what the Kelly family is doing :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me the family feeding. AHH delicious. tmp