About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day a new way

Happy Labor Day.
Timm is getting ready to take our guests to the airport for their departure back to Michigan. What a great visit we had! I'd post pics, but my power cord for my computer died and I'm on Timm's computer. Anyways, we have had the ideal weather. The girls have had a blast hanging out with their pals, and it was so neat to be a part of the wedding on Saturday in Central Park. Long story, let me just say that following Jesus is not always easy (actually it is never easy). So, a friend of ours struggled SO MUCH in his pursuit of listening to and following Jesus and understanding what in the world Jesus had planned for him. And, we all celebrated the fruit of his obedience and perseverance as he exchanged vows with his new wife on a gorgeous day in the park.
Last night we enjoyed a casual church gathering where we celebrated labor day weekend NY style. We shared some friend chicken, potato salad and leftover desserts (from the wedding) at our normal Sunday night gathering. It felt so good to have the Pfeiffer gang hanging with us at church. Bittersweet, as we wish they were living here with us, but that is not God's plan (for now).
Today, we plan to take a road trip to Long Island and just do some exploring of the area since we've never been out there. Our destination will likely be Jones Beach, as a handful of friends are hanging out there today. So, labor day is definitely being observed in a new way for our family.
I haven't updated this week, but much has happened. Many friends ask me to keep this updated with new happenings, so I'll give a quick update.
We visited PS130 where the girls will be going to school! We registered the girls, met some staff (including liv's teacher) and saw their classrooms. Ahh, it felt GREAT. I'm so very excited for them, as GOd has answered my prayers for peace about sending them to school! More to come, as they start school in two days.
We went to a beach called "far rockaway" with a friend and it was a perfectly gorgeous day. We also had those friends over for a visit and dinner. Very nice.
We met our neighbors! We have a family across the street who have 3 boys. Age 9, 6, and 6 weeks. The girls hit it off right away with the boys and had a great time playing. I really enjoyed visiting with their family and they even invited the girls to watch a movie, and I LET THEM! Timm was working late for a parent meeting and didn't get home until 9:40pm. He walked in and was shocked to see that the girls were not here. THey are the Gonzales family, and they informed me that there aren't a ton of kids on our street that are the age of our kids. So, I was very happy that they took the initiative to come over and introduce themselves. Look forward to getting to know them better, as they seem like a great family.
Went shopping for school supplies. I'll just say that shopping is always an adventure.
The girls had their new friends over (the girls they met at the church we visited). That was a nice afternoon. We had rented a movie from blockbuster last week (chrissa-american girl). They shared that movie with their friends. We definitely got our value out of that rental. I think the girls watched it 5 times.
What else? Oh yah, I found a doctor and I liked her.
We had a visit from our pastor from our "mother church" Kensington. He was able to see first hand how different ministry is here compared with the suburbs. It was nice to have him here.
So, here we are in September. We start our small group this Friday night. This Sunday we start meeting on Sunday mornings at our new location. ps40, an elementary school in Gramercy Park. We will use the next three Sunday mornings to "practice" setting up the school auditorium with our sound equipment and stuff, and setting up the gym with stuff for kids. We will still continue to meet in the evenings for our worship and teaching from the bible for the next three weeks. THe first weekend in October, we will "officially" open our Sunday morning services to the public and we will stop meeting in the evenings at the Estonia house.
We are updating the website, so check it out as it is revised and transformed. www.communitasnyc.org
Thanks for the prayers. Keep them coming! I am feeling the excitement of anticipation for fall. I know God has plans for our family, and I can't say exactly what that looks like. So, we continue to wake each morning and ask God to direct our steps and to be present in every encounter we have. He is opening doors to relationships and revealing opportunities all the time. He has called us to "be the church" and we are humbly trying to carry out that call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All great news. LOTS of news. It is wonderful to read the adventrue you are on. Super great that you had company. We may not be the first visiters-or the 10th but we will come. I am so excited for the girls starting their new schools and the dance classes. Love ya TMP