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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am just overwhelmed with thankfulness.
I do generally try to maintain a grateful heart and mindset. However, I am inspired by a book I just finished reading. The amazing story of the life of Corrie ten Boom. Without going into a ton of detail, I am just overwhelmed with the depth of faith she was able to lean into during some truly horrible times. And, how God could be trusted, even as things appeared to be hopeless.
Today is day 6 of Alli being sick :( But, I am so thankful that we have had some quality time together this week to talk and share and hang out together. I am so thankful that I do not have a job that I had to take sick leave from to be home. I am so thankful that this is just a passing virus and that I do not have a child who suffers from a chronic condition. I am thankful that we have health insurance and are able to consult a Doctor.
I am so thankful that my kids do not struggle in school. Olivia continues to literally blow us away every single day with her eagerness to learn and her abilities. THis week, just for fun, she decided to write her own chapter book. She has written a chapter or two each day, and it's actually pretty good! She's 7.
I am so thankful that Timm's interview went well with the board for the new school. And, that God has placed us in a neighborhood that is so close to the location for that school.
I really can't sit here and list the things I am thankful for. It would go on ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT, And ALL DAY.
What i need to remember, is that there is reason to be thankful no matter what the situation. That's the challenging thing. It's pretty easy to feel thankfulness when life is a bowl full of cherries. How can I maintain a thankful heart when life conditions do not seem fair or good at all? I guess by being CERTAIN that God is in control and has a perfect plan, regardless of my suffering.
Without going into the long explanation, I will share a line from the book. I shared this with Alli and we agreed that it is a great line to remember. "Thank you God....for the fleas." Sometimes we have to THANK GOD for things that we don't really understand. Things we don't see as a blessing. Things we might actually see as a nuisance, burden, hardship, or horrible situation. Because, sometimes God is using those very things to accomplish his will.
Lord, give us thankful hearts for your perfect will.


K said...

loved Corrie ten Boom's story... her forgiveness and life gives me so much perspective!

Jaime Greene said...
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Jaime Greene said...

Praise the Lord for that special time...bummer she is sick. Like the song "I will praise Him in this storm"! Thank you for the fresh perspective.

Sonyia said...

Poor Alli! I hope she is well very quickly! What a bummer to be sick and missing so much school but it's nice that she can be home with you.

Anonymous said...

Char, you gota read In my father's house. the years before the hiding place. By Corrie Tenboom.
the whole family is just remarkable.
I loved when we read the story and did a study of the book.
We also studied many camp stories and some I wouldn't even let my kids read because of the sick situations.

You could also read. I am David. Oh a tear jerker with wonderful spiritual beauty. Forgiveness and joy in the sorrows of life.

I Know Allison will be well soon. Rose prayed for her at Wednesday evening service.
Love you forever.