About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, October 26, 2009

super saturday, stooper sunday?

We had "Super Saturday" at the girls' school. They brought in an organization called "arts connection" and they taught us some things about designing quilts. We made paper versions of various patterns. Very cool. Then they had a performance by "foot and the fiddle" dance company. They did music, clogging, tap, square dance, and Irish step dancing. They had everyone up participating too. We were so happy to be able to take advantage of this neat opportunity. Always amazed at the exposure to diversity in this city. So many people with so many interests, gifts, talents and ideas.
Unfortunately, soon after we got home, Alli complained of a headache and she hasn't felt well since. She has had a fever, cough and the yuckies. So, the Kelly girls did not make it to church on Sunday. I stayed home with them and we spent the day relaxing. I'm wondering if it is the flu? Am going to call the doc soon. And, last night Liv complained of a headache and sore throat. So, this Monday morning, both girls are home from school. And, I'm hoping some rest will do the healing. It stinks because I am watching the neighbor boys after school today for several hours. Their Mom is out of town and I am keeping them after school till their Dad gets home from work. We were all looking forward to it, now I am going to have to figure out how to keep my girls quarantined from them! I would hate to get them sick!
Also, Saturday night was really fun for me. We had another "girls night out" for the 40 and over ladies of Communitas. (I'm close enough to make the cut.) And, I invited my neighbor to go and enjoyed getting time to visit with her during the commute and walking in the rain. Got to know her a lot better, and of course find that she is a most interesting and neat person. She starts chemo this week to battle the nasty cancer that has invaded her body. So, we enjoyed a nice little Italian place in Soho. She's not sure how she'll be feeling in the near future, so it was nice to have an evening out.
Better go call the doc?????


Anonymous said...

We are praying for the girls to get better very soon. Great pictures of the fun Saturday.
Did Timm make a quilt square? Did they have nascar scrap pieces?
Pickel Head

Sonyia said...

The yuckies have been oing around here too. Luckily it has been short lived. I hope the girls are better soon!

Living My Backward's Life (formerly A Michigander Grows in Brooklyn) said...

Your neighbor is a very cool and interesting person!
Hope the girls feel better, and quick!