About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Bronchitis: Inflammation and swelling of the bronchi. That is what the doctor says it looks like for Alli. So, she did a breathing treatment, got an antibiotic, and an inhaler. Her fever has been under 100 without medicine. She should be bouncing back to herself again shortly.

Now, the big decision........will she be able to go to school Friday? It is "character day" at school. She gets to dress up as a favorite book character. She went to some great lengths to secure her outfit and is very much looking forward to dressing up as "Elizabeth" from the "My America" series. Thanks to aunt Theresa for the expedited shipping of the dress! If she doesn't feel well enough to go to school, she will still get the chance to wear the dress on Saturday for Halloween. I'll be sure to post some pics of our character day and halloween fun.


I am just overwhelmed with thankfulness.
I do generally try to maintain a grateful heart and mindset. However, I am inspired by a book I just finished reading. The amazing story of the life of Corrie ten Boom. Without going into a ton of detail, I am just overwhelmed with the depth of faith she was able to lean into during some truly horrible times. And, how God could be trusted, even as things appeared to be hopeless.
Today is day 6 of Alli being sick :( But, I am so thankful that we have had some quality time together this week to talk and share and hang out together. I am so thankful that I do not have a job that I had to take sick leave from to be home. I am so thankful that this is just a passing virus and that I do not have a child who suffers from a chronic condition. I am thankful that we have health insurance and are able to consult a Doctor.
I am so thankful that my kids do not struggle in school. Olivia continues to literally blow us away every single day with her eagerness to learn and her abilities. THis week, just for fun, she decided to write her own chapter book. She has written a chapter or two each day, and it's actually pretty good! She's 7.
I am so thankful that Timm's interview went well with the board for the new school. And, that God has placed us in a neighborhood that is so close to the location for that school.
I really can't sit here and list the things I am thankful for. It would go on ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT, And ALL DAY.
What i need to remember, is that there is reason to be thankful no matter what the situation. That's the challenging thing. It's pretty easy to feel thankfulness when life is a bowl full of cherries. How can I maintain a thankful heart when life conditions do not seem fair or good at all? I guess by being CERTAIN that God is in control and has a perfect plan, regardless of my suffering.
Without going into the long explanation, I will share a line from the book. I shared this with Alli and we agreed that it is a great line to remember. "Thank you God....for the fleas." Sometimes we have to THANK GOD for things that we don't really understand. Things we don't see as a blessing. Things we might actually see as a nuisance, burden, hardship, or horrible situation. Because, sometimes God is using those very things to accomplish his will.
Lord, give us thankful hearts for your perfect will.

Monday, October 26, 2009

super saturday, stooper sunday?

We had "Super Saturday" at the girls' school. They brought in an organization called "arts connection" and they taught us some things about designing quilts. We made paper versions of various patterns. Very cool. Then they had a performance by "foot and the fiddle" dance company. They did music, clogging, tap, square dance, and Irish step dancing. They had everyone up participating too. We were so happy to be able to take advantage of this neat opportunity. Always amazed at the exposure to diversity in this city. So many people with so many interests, gifts, talents and ideas.
Unfortunately, soon after we got home, Alli complained of a headache and she hasn't felt well since. She has had a fever, cough and the yuckies. So, the Kelly girls did not make it to church on Sunday. I stayed home with them and we spent the day relaxing. I'm wondering if it is the flu? Am going to call the doc soon. And, last night Liv complained of a headache and sore throat. So, this Monday morning, both girls are home from school. And, I'm hoping some rest will do the healing. It stinks because I am watching the neighbor boys after school today for several hours. Their Mom is out of town and I am keeping them after school till their Dad gets home from work. We were all looking forward to it, now I am going to have to figure out how to keep my girls quarantined from them! I would hate to get them sick!
Also, Saturday night was really fun for me. We had another "girls night out" for the 40 and over ladies of Communitas. (I'm close enough to make the cut.) And, I invited my neighbor to go and enjoyed getting time to visit with her during the commute and walking in the rain. Got to know her a lot better, and of course find that she is a most interesting and neat person. She starts chemo this week to battle the nasty cancer that has invaded her body. So, we enjoyed a nice little Italian place in Soho. She's not sure how she'll be feeling in the near future, so it was nice to have an evening out.
Better go call the doc?????

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall Fun

Well, we had plans to go to the Queens farm to do the whole pumpkin picking, hayride, apples and cider thing....but it was a crummy day....so we cancelled. But, we did go to the local fruit market and grabbed a few pumpkins! Carved one, painted another, and did Mrs Potato head princess to the third. made some pumpkin seeds in the oven (one batch salted, the other cinnamon/sugar).

Then, I went on a field trip with Liv's class to a nursery on Staten Island where they got to pick out a small pumpkin to paint, go in some bounce houses, eat lunch, and browse the nursery and gift shop. It was a gorgeous day! So fun. On the bus ride back to school, Liv asked me if she would be staying at school when we got back, or if she'd be going home. I told her I wasn't sure how much time there would be left in the school day, so we'd have to see. She said "Mom, if it's OK for me to stay, can I please stay at school for the rest of the day?" Sure enough, we arrived at the school about an hour before dismissal. Her teacher said that she could be dismissed if we wanted, but Liv said "No, please Mom! Can't I please stay at school?" Wow, she LOVES school so much and she LOVES her teacher so much. One tiny piece of me wishes she wanted to come home with me, but overall, I could not be more thrilled that she loves school SO MUCH!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How'd I get so lucky?

Seriously, how did I get so lucky?

My man is so good to me. He works his butt off all week, when he gets home, he takes care of all the stupid crap I can't do, and then he arranges for babysitters so we can go out. And if that weren't enough, he always remembers to build me up and encourage me and tell me how great I am. I know, eat your heart out.

At church, they passed a hat around and asked people to throw in a request for something you could use help with. Then, if you put in a request, you pull one out. So, just a little exercise in helping each other out as a community. Timm put in a request for a babysitter so he could take his wife out on a date. :)

Of course, becuase God works in such amazing ways, the person who drew the request was really excited and said that she was hoping to offer us a night out anyways because she thought it would be fun to have the girls over for a sleepover!

So, on Saturday night, the girls had an exciting sleepover, and we went out. We walked around downtown Brooklyn, found a quaint little place with candle light, parked our butts there for a few hours having a glass of wine and some Tai food. THen, we got coffee, walked around some more, and headed home.

When we got home, Timm said he had a wonderful night and I said "If you think listening to me talk non stop for four hours is fun!" ANd he replied with a smile "I guess I do, cuz that was really fun".

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


About five years ago, our friend Jim invited us to tag along with him to Long Beach Island (LBI) NJ. He explained that his brother and his brother's in-laws have a beach house. Well, of course, we took him up on the offer. And, we were blown away. It was a huge, gorgeous home a block from the Atlantic ocean and a perfectly beautiful beach!!!! And they were so welcoming to us and included us like family. So nice!
Since then, we had decided that it would be a good trip for Timm to take annually with Jim. So, they have gone out for a long weekend each August for the past 4 years. This year, it was a short trip, but Timm was able to meet Jim out there, as his commute decreased dramatically. Well, the beach house is actually two huge houses that are connected. And, the one house is rented out, while the other is shared by the family.
Once October rolls around, the rental season dies down. So, this dear family invited our family out to enjoy the rental side of this great beach house.....no charge. And, they said to just let them know when we need to get out of the city, and as long as they don't have anyone renting, we can come there to have a get-away!

So, since we had Monday off for Columbus day, Timm planned a trip for us to head out there after church Sunday, and stay the night. Sunday ended up being really nice, and the girls even went in the ocean! YES, ON OCTOBER 11th. We had some great family time, and we ended up getting the chance to visit with our gracious hosts. They came out for the night too. It is only 30 minutes from their home. They are just ridiculously generous and just genuinely sweet people. It was great.

party time.

So, Alli had her "friend party" out here in our new home. Much smaller home, and I wasn't entirely sure how to be creative with a kid party like we have in the past. But, we just came up with some ideas for fun games, food and activities, and the girls had a wonderful time. She had 5 girls from school, plus her and Liv. It brought me joy to see her partying with her new friends, and including her sister as well.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Born to be a freegan

A while back, I saw an Oprah show about "freegans" and I might have even posted about it. I found that I am not alone in my desire to find and use other peoples' discarded items. I find a thrill in the fact that I can use an item that might have otherwise been wasted or added to a landfill. And, I love to save money, so free things make me happy. You could try to determine if it is nature or nurture that led to this freegan tendency....good luck. I believe it is both. So it's a pretty strongly imbredded tendency.

I'd like to share a few of my recent "finds" since moving to my new neighborhood. Most recently, while walking with Grandma, we found some shoes for Timm

But, backing up...one day on the way home from school, the girls and I came across someone who was moving and getting rid of a few items. We picked up a little computer table and a decoration for the girls' room. Yes, that is a scene of the Brooklyn bridge and Manhattan skyline at night, fully lit up and accompanied by swooshing sounds of water from the river....how could someone part with such a treasure? (Note-the light can be turned off, and the volume turned down).

Last, but certainly not least, Alli and I have enjoyed many evening walks to get fresh air, check out the neighborhood, and chat. It just so happened that several times we came across treasures put out for trash. We found a great wooden box that we now use to hold the hats and scarfs. Also, we found a set of little stackable shelves. I use one in each bathroom to increase use of space under the sink. I'm sure I'm forgetting some. We did find some great clothes one day. Some fit Alli, and some pretty dresses we passed along to a petite friend of ours. Ahh, it's fun being a freegan

Oh, how could I forget my latest find? Timm wasn't thrilled with me grabbing this cart and excitedly pushing it home! He thought it should stay in the trash! But, he is not the one lugging grocieries by hand from the store several times a week. So, we comprimised. I will leave it outside. It is pretty much brand new! Price tags still on it! To be honest, there is one small problem with one of the font wheels...it's broken. But I used it already once and it worked just fine!

Oops...who needs two front wheels anyways? :)

Oh my gosh....one more...and I swear that's it for now....our neighbor moved out and LOOK what he gave us for FREE!!! What a great guy! We now have outdoor storage for helmets, scooters, skateboard, roller blades, etc. FREEEEEE.

OK, I lied, we have also found quite a few books....now I'm done :)

The big one-oh

That's right, someone in this family hit the big one-oh this week! Guess who!?
I am going to pile on the pics here, because there has been much celebrating. Grandma, aunt KT and Izzy surprised the girls last Saturday and showed up at our apartment from MI!!!!!
We had such a great time! Sight seeing, showing them around the new hood, visiting, going out to dinner, going to our very first Sunday morning public gathering for Communitas!

I like food. Slash that. I love food. And, we enjoyed a TON of it this weekend. Alli was treated like a princess! We had dinner AND dessert every night!!! And, due to my love of food, I have been known to take pictures of food fairly often. This is no exception. Here is a display of the desserts we ordered Monday night after enjoying dinner at Alli's restaurant of choice, Tai Tony's. YUM! Wasn't a favorite for our visitors, but they didn't say anything negative, but let Alli bask in her glory!

Then, Alli opened a handful of cards from family. They generously sent her gifts of money. She has been saving up to buy an ipod nano. Last night, she went online with Daddy and ordered a bright purple metallic ipod with the the inscription "Allison Isabel Kelly....Brooklyn's dancing queen"

And, the party isn't over yet.

Alli invited some friends over for Saturday evening. Games, junk food, and a movie. Happy 10th to our sweet little girl!

Friday, October 2, 2009

It's October

October is here!

The girls are having fun making some birthday cards for all of the October birthdays we have in our family. Also, they are creating some invitations for Alli to give her friends, as she turns 10 next week and will be having a little party. She experienced just a little bit of drama in the issuing of the invites to her selected 5th grade girl friends. Oh boy, let the drama of being a "tween" begin. She didn't want to make anyone feel left out, but of course it is inevitable at times, and she was feeling a little grief and confusion about the whole thing. Life lessons.

As I have been walking in our neighborhood, it is so refreshing to see people putting out their Fall decor. You know, brightly colored mums in big pots, scarecrows, pumpkins, red, orange and yellow leafs made into a garland. Of course, then there has to always be the few who would rather turn their space into a nasty cemetery with bloody hands poking out of the ground and spider webs everywhere....not as refreshing for me to see....but to each their own. Anyways, I felt inspired to maybe get something to decorate the front of our new home. We have plans to get pumpkins later in the month. But, maybe a mum or something? But, someone beat me to it! YAY! I'm liking this "renter" status. Our landlord came by, and put a few fall items out front, and some scented pine cones in the entry so that when we come in out of the cool fall air, into the warm entry way, it has the smell of cloves. October is here....ahhh.