About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, April 27, 2009

tech issues

As you may know, when it comes to technology, it would seem that I display mild to moderate learning impairments. So, when I changed my email successfully, and imported all of my email contacts from Comcast to gmail, and sent out a group notice, I was feeling pretty proud of myself. But, then it did something to my blog. I guess I can't sign in here using a new email address. I have to use my old one, or start an entire new blog? I'm SURE there is some way around this, but I have tried, and so has Timm.
So, for now I will use the old address and see what happens. When I cancel that account, I may have a problem.
Well, we have successfully sold or given away almost all of our unecessary possesions. Ahh. In a couple of days, someone is coming to get this computer. I will switch to using only the laptop. Haven't entirely figured out that computer, so we'll see! Then, we move to Timm's parents' house and they do not have high speed internet. I believe they have dial up, but I wouldn't want to tie up their phone line using that.
So, if you try to contact me by computer, it may be a while before I get it and respond.
Alright, since last week was a blur of organizing and selling things, today it is back to school for the Kelly girls. Gotta run.

1 comment:

Sonyia said...

log into blogger. go here: https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageAccount

Edit email addresses will come up. Add your gmail account. That should do it for you.

you have unlimited texting, right : )