About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I am amazed by my God!
Last night I felt depleted. Just completely spent. And, I prayed for God to fill me with his spirit of joy and love and peace.
So, HE DID! It is inexplicable. These are the kinds of EXPERIENCES that make my faith real. They can't be explained. They are FELT. What a gift from my loving heavenly father.
Anyways, time is ticking...we are moving....I am sad to leave my neighbors. I am glad to have the transition of moving just 10 minutes away for a couple months. Because, although it is hard to say goodbye to these awesome neighbors, it will be much more dificult to say goodbye to family. And, we will have a little bit of time to do that.
As for our new address in NY, God has not revealed it to us yet. We only want to be where He places us...so we will wait. We have prayed that He will guide us to the right apartment where we can serve him and be his kingdom workers.....and we have asked him to steer us away from the wrong place. So, we wait. He's in control.
I'm missing my hubby. Look forward to seeing him for a couple of days this weekend.
Also look forward to celebrating Olivia's 7th birthday! We'll bbq at my Mom and Dad's on Sunday and celebrate her birthday, as well as Mother's day.
By the way, this stupid bleepin blogger account is still whacked. Won't let me change my email. My techie friend tried to advise me, but I am still confused.
Gotta go.
I am FULL! Wooo-hooooo!

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