About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Be available

Yesterday, the girls and I had a cool opportunity to help out another local church. We spent the afternoon handing out food and smiles to some people who are in need. It was a great time. And, I was just so glad that we were AVAILABLE to help.
I can't even put into words how God has grown me in this area of being AVAILABLE. There was a time in my life when I had to have each day scheduled to the point of busyness before I felt any peace. I did not enjoy any down time (unless it was specifically scheduled as such).
One of the coolest things God has done in my life is stretched me to step away from being over scheduled. When I follow his promptings, he delivers opportunities and "divine appointments" to me that I would never have been aware of!
Don't get me wrong, I continue to struggle with this area of my life! But, God has brought me a long way from where I once was.
What I have found is that God will prompt me to eliminate something from my schedule, and I resist! But, then if I obey the prompting, there is a door that opens to a different opportunity! Something I didn't even see. Something He chose to reveal only after I was obedient. So, I never end up sitting around wondering what I'm supposed to do with my time! I remain "busy" but I feel like it is more in line with the direction God has laid out for me to impact the world for Him.
I realize that I have the luxury of not working outside the home full time. So, you may argue that it is easier for me to remain available. And, you would be correct. However, that is just one more example. Because I can tell you that God called me away from that, and it was HARD! Having a daily schedule of "work" was much more appealing to me, but I have realized MANY times that God had other plans for me.
Speaking of being available, I need to go. Alli just woke up early and asked if I could play a game of connect four. I think that beats time on the computer and crossing a few more items off my to-do list, don't you?


K said...

One of my Grace-mentors once told us she had to stop saying yes to whatever she was asked... she would say, I have to say no until I get a yes from God... she was a mother of two, working and volunteering for whatever came up adn then once she learned about yielding to God, she said no first and waited for a yes, it was amazing how God sorted her schedule out for her!

Anonymous said...

I will always remember the thoughts I had when first meeting you in earlier days. I always thought, wow- I wish I could have some structure or schedule to my life like her. It has always been hard for me, doen't come naturally. I on the other hand am working on a little stucture and schedule to make my days more peaceful . Funny - too much of anything is not good:)