About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, April 3, 2009

a day in the life

Seriously, I love my life. In the last 12 hours, some things that have happened:
*Olivia won 606 peanuts!
*My husband, who I have hardly talked to in days texted me to say that we should consider issuing a loan to someone in a third world country in order to promote enterprise
*Olivia spent her own money to buy a book, and when Alli couldn't resist reading it, Liv simply looked at her with a gaping mouth and said "Alli, that book is very special to me and I would like it if you did not read it before me."
*Slept in my king-sized bed with my two girls (a treat while daddy is away)
*Alli woke up on her own, dressed herself in layers of clothes that belong to her, her sister, and a variety of seasons, made herself breakfast while singing and humming, and started some research on the computer for an assignment, all without much prompting from me.
*coffee, yum
*It's a rainy day, and instead of feeling gloom or dread, I am looking forward to cuddling on the couch reading and learning with my sweeties. Hearing them ask questions about rain forest animals, or Queen Elizabeth or Henry VIII and the Reformation, or watching them master new math skills, or enjoy free time to dance and sing.....you get the point! I LOVE THESE GIRLS!

Now, I better get to "work".


Anonymous said...

I love you girls, too. So what will Olivia do with 606 peanuts??
Isn't it great they pick up a book, not candy or stickers. Our God is so good to give us these days of wine and roses. Have a wonderful weekend.

K said...

yes, where does one win 606 peanuts?