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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Good Friday

Just to be honest, I have had a bit of a struggle with something that is basically the crux of my entire faith!!! That is, Jesus dying on the cross. Good Friday.
It was actually the "Passion" movie a few years ago that helped me with this. See, I sorta had this idea that it really wouldn't have been that hard for Jesus to die on the cross. Because, due to his divinity, he knew exactly where he would go upon death. And I figured he would be somewhat relieved to return to God and be out of the devil's territory - earth. Then, after watching the gruesome details of his death on the big screen, I realized the excruciating physical torture he endured. That was a reality check for me.
Today, I come to another realization. And, that is, Jesus' physical suffering is only a small piece of the reality of what he endured. I think I was missing it. It wasn't just his physical death and suffering that made it so excruciating. It was his willingness to bear the SIN OF THE WORLD. And in taking on all of that sin, and remaining without any sin of his own, he could not even face his Father. While he was taking on every sin of the world, he was FULLY HUMAN. And, he did it all willingly, out of love.
That is so hard to grasp. Because, now we are not talking about the physical realm and what we can understand through our senses. We are talking about the spiritual reality. And, how much MORE painful was that for Jesus? More painful than anything his physical body could be put through.
Today in my devotional, I was reminded. Jesus' death on the cross was not just martyrdom. Not even close. He did die for a cause....a faith...but he died to fulfill the very redemptive plan of God. His pain and suffering was so far beyond physical, emotional, or mental.
And, so salvation itself is so easy to attain, because God paid the price for it. He bore the burden. But, here's the deal. Although that redemption is available to each and every soul....we must not misunderstand what it means to accept this gift. When we meet Jesus at the cross and recognize and accept this gift, we do not just sail through the gates of salvation. We stop there, and we choose to ABIDE IN HIM. We choose the journey. We choose the humbling journey of walking with Jesus, in order to become more like him, so that we can spread his kingdom. Joyful service to the God of the universe. God, who is LOVE, gives LOVE, and fills you with LOVE beyond explanation.
Jesus paid the price. The gift is free for the taking. But, it has to change you. You have to surrender.


K said...

I read that too this morning... we are devotional twins.

Living My Backward's Life (formerly A Michigander Grows in Brooklyn) said...

I have never had such great devotionals until I started My Utmost for His Highest this year. Love it!
PS Can't wait to see the Kelly girls!

T$ said...

And we need to surrender each moment of each day of each week of each year...

Morgan's Mom said...

wow you have such an awesome way of articulating your description of Jesus. Thank you for reminding me to be humble of the life I live.