About Me

I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: following Jesus, learning to live and love like Him. He is in the driver's seat, and I am on an adventure.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

yay snow

I know most people hate the dreaded white stuff, but seriously, wouldn't you rather see sparkling white crystals shimmering in the cloudy haze of Michigan winter....rather than simply gray, brown, and a couple shades of blick.
Driving in it isn't really fun. But, again, it's all perspective. That, along with the fact that I don't have a daily commute to work.
Anyways, we enjoyed sledding today! Grabbed my nieces and nephews and hit the hill. Pretty fun stuff. The kids were pooped out after about 45 minutes, then we discovered that the back side of the hill not only sent you sailing into trees and brush, but it also had a ramp! A wooden ramp covered in snow. What kind of mom (or aunt) would not only let the kids try it, but give scores on the ramp jumpage, just to encourage it??!!! I personally value my tailbone way too much to give it a try myself.

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