About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, December 12, 2008

photo junkie

OK, I realize I am a photo junkie. I only want to post if I can attach a photo to go with it. But, I don't always have the time to upload the pic, attach it, etc. So, today I just say hello.
The snow is falling, my kids are singing Christmas carols, my kitchen in a wreck, but house cleaning is next on the to-do list! I love this stuff. We're having our friends over tonight for a Christmas celebration. We're putting on a "mystery dinner" as well as games and stuff. I got rid of so many Christmas decorations last year, yet somehow I still managed to throw out a fairly festive looking spread of hospitality for the evening.
What a fun week. Very busy though.
Monday gymnastics.
Tuesday excel. Tuesday night the girls had their open house for excel (home school coop). Wednesday we spent a good chunk of time shoppping as a family for warm clothes to donate to homeless, and other things for those in need. That night my nephew babysat and Timm and I went out with the RMS gang for dinner at El Charros.
Thursday night I had girl's club while Timm and the girl's went to Troy. Lots of trips to Troy since the girls are in the Christmas production this year.
ANYWAYS, all the while I am trying to do full days of school here at the homestead, plan games and food for our gathering tonight, get shopping done, cook, clean, do laundry....you know. The usual. I had a few frenzied moments, but for the most part, I love the social gathering part of the season, and I don't mind shopping and planning for that stuff at all. And shopping for needy people is so much more fun than shopping for people who already have everything they need!
We might have a ridiculous schedule for the holiday season, but it is all good. And we are trying to keep our focus on Jesus. I know we don't do a great job of it all the time, but we are trying to honor HIM during this time of joy and celebration.
Speaking of focusing on Jesus, check out the video on Wings as eagles
Aha! That just nails it for me!
OK, gotta get back to my crazy day. I really wish all of our friends who are in NYC could join us tonight to celebrate! We will be missing them


T$ said...

You are such an awesome woman in so many ways, can't even begin to splain it. Thanks for all your hard work this week to make our evening special with all our friends...love you.

Living My Backward's Life (formerly A Michigander Grows in Brooklyn) said...

You are also missed by your friends in NYC!