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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm one of those?

Well, I think I discovered that i am "one of those moms". Last night was wonderful. The girls were a part of the New Community Kids Christmas Production at our church. They were beaming! And they worked hard and had a great time on stage. However, during the rehearsals, a couple of hours before the "show", the decision was made to cut one section that the 1st graders were originally planning to perform. WHAT? That means my cute little Livvy won't get as much stage time? What is UP with THAT???? I wasn't happy about it. And, I felt compelled to open my big mouth and express that I was disappointed with that decision. Oops. That's when I realized I am "one of those mom's". I'm sure that is JUST what the director needs to hear when she is trying to bring 75 kids together for this big old production. Like my opinion really matters :) Oh well, it ended up being beautiful. It was singing and dancing and the overall ludicrous-ness that represents current Christmas traditions. We were blessed to have the whole family come out and watch the girls shine. It was a very fun time.


Anonymous said...

We are so fortunate (lucky) to be able to watch the girls shine. It was an exciting production and I will hold in my heart.

Anonymous said...

I just love the bow and apron with the poodle on it. And you were grooming the dog so good. Love Rose

Anonymous said...

Livvy, You were good in the gingerbread pack. YOu look so cute in your outfit. Great sining. You were good holding your gingerbread in your hands. Love Rose

Morgan's Mom said...

UM why do your girls look so grown up?? How awesome that they are such hams for the stage. It looks like it was a fun time.