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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Once upon a time, I made a rhyme

There once was a time when I enjoyed writing, just for the sake of writing. Poetry, reflections, letters to friends, anything. It never occurred to me to give a rip who read the things I wrote, or if they liked it. I miss that. So, today I will jot down some thoughts. Poems I guess. Why? Becuase I like it. I like words. I like reading them, writing them, disecting them, and especially hearing them used in a creative fashion. So, why not.

Round and round we go
where is the clock?
Nobody knows.

Stop! Did you hear that?
a snowflake just fell.
Through the tick and the tock,
I hardly could tell.

does white carry sound?
Perfect stillness rests.
I hear it clanging all around.

The morning has broken
the morning is mine.
The tick tock, the stillness
the gift of time.

It's there. Or is it?
It surrounds us, and yet...
With tight fists I grab hold
and with open hands I get.

Ahhh, that felt pretty good. So, perhaps I'll jot another......

It's the law you know.
When you stop you stop.
When you go, you go.

Stop. Go. Stop. Go.
In motion tremors thrill
but in the ring stands fighting
the desire to be still.

Who will be the victor?
Who will win the prize?
Can you measure these opponents?
Will they score based on their size?

Run. Accomplish. Fight. Win.
Then worthy you will be.
But, Stop. Reflect. Surrender. Lose.
And the victory you might see.


Anonymous said...


T$ said...

who new you be poetessish?

K said...

it's funny you did that, because I wrote out the girls Christmas tag and rhymed that