About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

popcorn gut rot

Yes, you read that correctly. It says popcorn gut rot. Every once in a while, I intentionally induce this condition on my body. Today was one of those days.
Earlier today, I had an overwhelming craving for movie theater popcorn. Before you picture what I mean, stop right there, and picture about 7 times more butter than any human should consume. Ahhh. That's what I"m talkin about.
So, I had a marvelous time. KT and I went to see Hancock. We chose the movie theater, not based on what was showing, but based on the fact that when you go to this theater and empty the contents of your wallet in exchange for a tub of popcorn, they let you put your own butter on it. When you have this freedom, you can implement the straw trick. If you aren't familiar with the straw trick, it is simply a means to get the "butter flavored topping" deep into your bag. Sick, I know. But, effective in extinguishing that burning craving for BUTTERY popcorn!
Anyways, the movie ended up being excellent. Love Will Smith. It had action, comedy, drama, and did I mention Will Smith? I'd recommend it.


K said...

I love movie theater popcorn, but it is getting harder and harder for my system to take it without getting sick.... getting old sucks

Morgan's Mom said...

I love having clever friends, I have never heard of the straw butter trick!! BRILLIANT!
Did you try it with a sprinkle of white cheddar because that would be over the TOP.

T$ said...

You are sick and wrong with the straws and what not.