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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, August 29, 2008

making lists

Okay, so be honest. . . who are the other "list makers" out there? I know who some of you are. Let me just confess the extent to which my daily list controls my life. Basically, if I do not have a list, I literally stand there immobile and can't figure out what to do. Sick, I know.
So, this morning, I am feeling pretty good about myself. It is only 9am and I have already crossed off over half of the items on my list for the day. Today that is about 5 things. So, I still have 5 more to go. Of course, the remaining 5 are a little more time consuming. So, I just admitted that my level of self worth is directly measured by the number of items crossed off my list. That's not healthy.
Anyways, I just love sociology, anthropology, psychology, and any "ology" that involves the study of us crazy humans. So, I love to stop once in a while and take a look at the way we do do things. I can't tell you the affirmation I felt when a respected friend of mine confessed to me that she too is a list addict. She even confessed to writing something down that she already accomplished, just so she could feel the satisfaction of drawing a line through it. HA! I can relate. And for those of you who think that is crazy, you're right, it is! But, we all do crazy things. And I personally think it's great fun to discover the craziness of people (including myself).
But, here's something God has taught me over the past few years. Most of His plans for my day, He does not reveal to me ahead of time. He reveals them to me as "divine appointments". And if I am too busy pouring over my "list" and fretting over what I have accomplished (and what I have not accomplished) then I might miss the good stuff. So, although I still think it is OK for me to have my list and to allow it to give me some sort of order. . . I really have learned to hold it loosely. God has specifially taught me to leave margin in my life to simply be AVAILABLE. That has been a difficult discipline for me. But, it is definately one of the greatest changes I have made to be a better daughter of Christ.
So, I must now confess that I did not have "post on blog" written on my daily list. This is causing me just a wee bit of anxiety as I realize the time I have spent on something that didn't make the list. So, I guess I'll get going.
Please feel free to confess your strange habits to me. It is likely that I WILL laugh and make fun of you and point out what a freak you are, but all in love and good humor.
Oh, sarcastic humor. That's another interesting human tendency. Some people get it, others don't. I think I'll save that for another post.


Morgan's Mom said...

I don't have a list, but I do have a sticky note on a dress that has been hanging in my kitchen for your daughter since last week. I have been meaning to bring it over.
Perhaps I should start a list if I could remember what to put on it.
Truly, Forgetful!

Sonyia said...

While I am not as odd (sarcastic humor here:) as you by putting "done" things on my To Do list, you know I like a good list just as much as the next anal Type A planner type person. I just read this post and thought about you too today.


Funny that I read both of these today as my TO DO list was NONE EXISTENT but I did spend a few hours with a good friend assisting her with her procrastination problem : )

Just a Chick in Michigan said...

I have found over the past few years that if my bedroom is not clean, then I feel very, very unorganized. The minute I'm done cleaning it (when it gets past the point of no return), I feel better and everything in my life starts getting better. It is the weirdest thing! Not much of a list maker here though, that usually ends up crumpled up in the back of my Jeep. HA! Ask KT, not kidding there!

Anonymous said...

I love lists!!! Kim