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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, August 11, 2008

ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. .

Gotta give the update of changes in our family life.
First of all, Timm was offered a new job and has accepted! He is currently finishing his last two days of employment with Richmond Schools. He will begin working for a Charter schoool organization in two days. He was offered a choice of three jobs in the area. Two were principal jobs, the third is a RIT (Resident in training). Basically, they said they would really like for him to step into a building principal job. However, they confirmed his plan to ultimately work in New York. Sonce they are planning to open two new schools in NY in 2009, they felt that it would work best to place him in the RIT position. But, then they asked if he would accept the position of "interim principal" at a school ina school that is located about 70 miles away from us. Until they find a permanent candidate for that. He accepted. So, they offered him mileage and/or hotel costs in order for him to assume that role. So, the ultimate goal would be for Timm to open the Belleville school for the 2008/2009 school year. When they find the right person to fill that position, they slide him into a school in Detroit, which is only about 40 miles from our home. Then, he is prepared to move to NY for the 2009/2010 school year to open a new school there.
In the meantime, we still have our house up for sale. Still have people looking about once every two weeks. . .
We plan to home school the kids and be prepared to relocate when God moves us. . .
We had our final Michigan meeting with our pastor and his wife and the Communitas team this week. Timm and I were asked to take on a leadership role with the Michigan group, as everyone continues to launch to NY. For the past year, we have functioned as a "launch team" for a church plant. That means, we have dealt with many logisitcs and made an effort to build a team of people who feel connected and on mission. Now, the role of our group is changing.
Yesterday, our pastor announced that we are now "Communitas" the church. In other words, as they start their mission in NY, we are a part of that. However, our role here in Michigan is going to look a bit different. But, we are to mirror as closely as possible what is happening in NY. We will meet on Sundays at the same time, using video and technology to be linked with them. We will meet in small groups through the week, and study the same material that they are. We will discus some of this material during our large group gatherings on Sunday. We will all make it a priority to be involved in serving opportunities individually and in groups, as a way to extend the love of Christ to those in need, making it a part of the fabric of our lives. And, one by one or two by two, we will leave Michigan, launch to NY, and integrate into Communitas there.
Here is the difficult part. . . that means a much bigger time commitment to Communitas than what we have had this past year. At the same time (at least for Timm and I) our time is being stretched by new endeavors. What gives?!?!??!
Well, logically, our involvement in our current church. kensington. Ouch. It's hard to do. But, if we can not find the time to pour into our call within Communitas, we need to consider our level of involvement at Kensington. We were challenged and encouraged to consider unplugging from our commitments there. That STINKS, but it makes sense. Our Pastor confessed that he made the mistake of holding on too long to his commitments there, and being divided for too long, and he doesn't want to see us do the same thing and burn ourselves out.
Why is this hard? Because we love that church. LOVE. And, it is an awesome place to serve. It is a place comitted to seeking the lost, loving everyone, serving everyone, getting off your duff and LIVING for the Kingdom, etc. It is a growing, thriving, living extension of the hands and feet of Jesus. So, what we are being asked to do is to step out of that arena, and instead take on the role of leading a group of people that will ultimately shrink down to nothing and fizzle out here in Michigan, as they leave for NY. I know, there is my natural optimistic view of things coming out. But, it's TRUE. God is asking us to do something that doesn't appear very rewarding or impactful in the immediate sense. So, God is challenging me to look beyond the immediate. I've never been gifted at seeing a long term vision. So, this is a stretch for me. I don't like the idea of giving up my involvemnt in something that is tangible. Something that i can physically SEE making a difference in people's lives. Something that is comfortable and something that I feel pretty good at. Why would God want me to give that up? Well, I believe he is trying to not only stretch me, but to strengthen my weaknesses.
So, another twist. Just when I thought we had things figured out. . . just when I thought we would hang out here for another year doing what we are already doing. . . God reveals more to me. It's like, he knows we can only handle so much as once. So, little by little, he reveals his plan.
Well, I must stop rambling and get on with my day. But, here we are. . . heading into the next school year. . . new job. . . new church. . . new serving roles. . . new opportunities to serve Jesus. . . and who knows what else lies ahead????


K said...

I am a little sad for you to have to cut out Kensington, but I believe your other Communitas roles will only strengthen your parts of that group!

Sonyia said...

So ..... Does this mean you are leaving your position at Kensington too???

Kim Wooster said...

Hey Char, I know how difficult it is to leave Kensington. I would say I actually mourned the loss for a while. However, The change has done amazing things in our life. Bill got home from Africa on Saturday and our boys were baptized on Sunday. My mom and stepdad now attend our church and we are able to invite neighbors into our small group. We have seen Gods hand in so much because of following him. It is just amazing to see it unfold. I am excited for you. Kim