About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Good Weekend

Just thought I'd say a quick hello and mention that we had an awesome weekend.
Timm had the day off Friday, and we had some KKFT (Kelly Kelly Family Time). We went to the DIA, which was really fun and made me wonder why we do not take advantage of the museums and such more often? IT was so great to see everything through the girls' eyes. Such wonder. Pls, I hadn't been there in FOREVER. So, it was very cool. Then, we went to late lunch. I was looking over my coupons before we left to see if I could find a BOGO deal. But, the girl's said "We're going to Detroit? Can we go to lunch at Mr. Fo-fo's?" I am always amazed at their memory. Last month, Sam was telling us about Mr. Fo-fo's. It is a little Deli in Detroit that was purchased by a Christian organization with the goal of providing job training for kids in the area. Nothing fancy, but a very cool mission, so, that's where we went. They are known for their HUGE corned beef sandwhich. Timm and I split one and were STUFFED.
After that, we ventured up to Timm's new school. We played on the playground, and met the building and grounds man.
OK, so I better move along on my account of the fun weekend. I'm losing you already, I know.
So, KT offered to have the girls spend the night. We dropped them off early Friday evening. So, their fun continued into the night (including Chuck E Cheese, ice cream etc). And, mama and daddy had fun too. We went to "the clem" and walked around on a beautiful evening. Enjoyed the fresh air, visited a couple of bars with patios and had a couple of beers. Then, we ended the eveening with a visit to Del Taco. Yum. It was funny because we were sitting outside finishing our food and one of the employees was finishing work and asked "what are you guys doing tonight?" We realized that, as we were getting ready to head home at 10pm, he was getting ready to go out for the evening. He was trying to convince us that we should go to this cool place for the evening of fun. . . but we were happy to be heading home.
Anyways, Saturday TImm and I were able to go and play some tennis together on a gorgeous morning. Then, in the afternoon, we headed down to Detroit for the monthly bbq with the homeless. KT went along. Beautiful afternoon.
On the way home, we picked up Collin. He came over to spend the night so his mama and daddy could enjoy a night out with friends. He is so stinkin cute. It was fun. But, it was very strange having a little baby spend the night. It's been a long time! I was up a lot because I am not used to all of the little noises those little buggers make as the "sleep". We were totally happy to babysit. And totally happy that our days of having babies in the house are in the past :)
Alright, I will get this over with. Sunday I went to church early to do the nursery. Daddy got two girls, and baby out the door and to church. So, I was able to see Collin again in the nursery. Later in the evening Sunday, we had our first meeting with Communitas without our leaders. They were literally on their way to NY for their final trip there. It was weir. But, always fun to hang with that group.
OK, I must go. Really not much of a post. Just felt like giving an update.

1 comment:

Morgan's Mom said...

not much of a post, I need a nap all the excitement you posted in there! I would love to go with you the next time you serve downtown, if you think of it give me a call.
Enjoy your week.