About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Why home school?

This is the question I have been asking God, myself, and Timm for several weeks.
Why would God call us to do this? Why would I agree? Why would Timm agree that God is calling our family to do this? Don't we have enough going on right now? Why this?
So, through some prayer, reflection, discussion, research, reading, and thinking. . . I am coming to grips with it. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the past weeks of my quest for answers. You know who you are!
So, throughout my quest, I have uncovered some of the answers to the basic questions. I have logically weighed some of the advantages and disadvantages of choosing home schooling. And I have surrendered to the fact that, regardless of how I FEEL, God is obviously calling me to give this a whirl.
Jesus says "Blessed are those who hear my commands and obey them" (Luke 11:28) We have a promise that obedience brings joy. He does not promise that we will FEEL like doing what he asks!
So, after reading some excellent material referred to me as a new home schooling family, I knew that I needed to sit down with Timm and develop a vision for what we hoped to accomplish with our children. That is just the way my brain functions. A vision enables me to focus and draw motivation. It helps me to determine what things to say YES to and what things to say NO to. Because, I am in a WORLD of choices now. Curriculum, courses, activities, schedules, priorities, etc.
So, we were able to come up with these four MAJOR goals that we hope to accomplish while our children are under our care. Of course, there are 75 million other things we COULD include. But, we tried to focus as best we could.
1) We want our children to accurately understand the Christian faith and to enjoy a vital realtionship with the Lord.
2) We want our children to build the capacity to think critically and solve problems.
3) We want our children to LOVE to LEARN and EXPLORE the WORLD.
4) We want our children to value serving others with their God given time, talent and treasure.

This is the framework we are going to start from. Hopefully these goals will stand the test of time and help us to corral our impluses to "do it all" and to rethink decisions over and over again while growing discouraged and tired. . . .

Today, we are going to explore a gymnastics program that is available to home schoolers. Ater that, we are going to visit with a family I personally respect who is doing the home school thing well. We are going to look over their curriculum. Possibly, beg, borrow and steal all we can from them. I have already done this with several other families who are doing this thing well. Thanks to you all, and again, you know who you are!

IT's an adventure. . . let's roll. . .

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