About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

new this week...

Lots of new experiences this week.
First visit to Roosevelt Island and a ride on the tram (which is like a big huge gondola)
First trip to Coney Island Beach. On a VERY HOT day, we hung out with about 7,000 of our closest friends, crammed on a little parcel of sand, wedged shoulder to shoulder. OK, none of them were actually friends, but after being that close to people who were dressed that minimally, I feel intimate with many of them.
Figured out a different grocery store that is only .5 miles from our apartment. Much better produce selection...AND...I was VERY pleasantly surprised by the reasonalbe prices!!! All of my fretting over high grocery expenses, and maybe that won't be as big of a deal as I thought. THe girls and I rode our bikes (fyi-we started wearing helments, which will somewhat ease the minds of my safety conscious friends). Anyways, that was very exciting for me. Easy walk or bike ride.
We found a pool today. THE HUGEST POOL I'VE EVER SEEN. And, it is FREE! YES! YES! YES! I love free. ANyways, we have to walk about 10 min to subway, ride about 15 min on train and walk another 10 min. But, it is a nice pool and I am very excited about that. Wish I had found it two days ago when it was 95. Today it is only 85.
What else? Oh, speaking of 95 degrees, we have wall unit AC in every single room of the apartment. But, they don't work. HA. So, we had to make a run to target to buy a couple of fans for sleeping.
Every outing is an adventure right now. Very different from navigating a suburb.
What else? ENjoyed bible study at our friends apartment and learned that the timing is perfect for us to start a new small group. THere were 23 people crammed in the apartment! Hopefully some friends will wanna hang out with us in Brooklyn to enjoy bible study, food, prayer, and laughs. Our friends do Tuesday evening, but we'd like to do Friday evenings because then we can party into the wee hours and not be concerned about getting up for school/work in the morning.
Just visited a dance studio that is around the corner. Have an appointment for Aug 24 to meet the dance lady and ask questions, etc.
On our walk home, we came across a box of books at the curb that we picked through and found a few treasures. Also, saw that someone is having a YARD SALE one street over from us this Saturday. THat is just hiarious.
Well, I'll update more frequently, and less lengthy, if I can. Some day maybe I will master the art of communicating with LESS WORDS. For now, you are the sucka who reads this! Sorry.
We are enjoying our last month of summer. Trying to soak up the city before I have to say goodbye to my beautiful girls and send them off to school where they will be influenced by others for 6-7 hours each day, while I miss hanging out with them and laughing and learning and loving on them.
more soon....


Morgan's Mom said...

Char-is-ma!! you workin the urban life like a superstar we know you are!
Miss you girl, we will say a pray for you at club tonight!

Anonymous said...

Did you get to the yard sale? You can see how the city people sell their stuff. I will want to hear all about the dance and who is doing what. talk to you soon.