About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

holy crap, it's HOT

Man, is it HOT! High in the mid 90's and low in the high 70's. whew.
A little storm is blowing through right now and I can feel the temp dropping just a little.
TImm isn't home from a board meeting yet, and the girls and I made it into the apt just in time to miss being caught in the storm. We were coming home from our bible study group, walking from the subway, and the wind picked up and the lightening and thunder started. I haven't seen Liv trot along at that pace yet since we got here. She was trying to play it cool, but I know she was about to start running to avoid getting caught in a storm.

Well, we did visit a nearby church Sunday morning. It is a great community of people who are doing some neat things to expand the kingdom of Jesus and demonstrate his love and "be the church" in their community. The girls made friends with a couple of girls who happen to be the Pastor's daughters. And, their mom was running the kids program. THe church has a coffee shop and we made plans to meet up with them there today so that the girls could play. We ended up hanging out there for a while, then walking to their apartment and eating lunch, and then their mom had to go to a meeting and the kids wanted to keep playing, so I hung out with them (their girls are 11 and 9) for another couple of hours! How funny. Here I was, haninging out in this apartment of a family I just met several days ago! And, of course the girls didn't want me involved in their play time, so I was just hanging out. I wasn't prepared to be gone that long, so I didn't bring anything to occupy myself. So, I ended up reading one of their magazines. It was just kinda funny to me. But, I'm already thanking God for new friends.

Hmmm, the storm has passed. Maybe it dropped a few degrees, but not much. I think tomorrow's high is still forecast around 92. holy crap, that is HOT!


K said...

We will finally have a mid 80s not humid day today! HURRAY!! Sleep with the windows open!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful for unexspeced blessings= new friends and a cool breeze.
Good thing you are all muscle because otherwise you might just melt away in this heat. tmp