About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Couldn't God make it easier?

There are times when I get frustrated because it seems like God could make it a lot easier for people to believe in him. Like, he could do anything! Yet, he often times leaves it to unworthy and ill-equipped people like me to try to explain Him to others. And He seems to remain just far enough away from my grasp, that I have to really make efforts to connect with him. Stuff like that makes me stop and ask "why in the world does God have to be so mysterious?"

But here is the thing I know for sure. God is love. ICor says that Love is patient and kind and does not envy or boast, it is not arrogant or rude. It does not INSIST on it's own way, it is not irritable or resentful. And GOD IS LOVE. He doesn't merely demonstrate love, HE IS LOVE. Love doesn't force itself. God extends a loving, patient, gentle invitation to me. He desires nothing more than for me to respond to that invite and engage in a love relationship with him. That's why he made me. But, my response has to be out of love. It can't be forces, coerced, or done out of guilt. It can't be something that I do simply because I'm sure I'll receive external blessings in my life. It can't be done so that I escape punishment. That's not love. That's just using God for my own purposes.

God loves us so much that he gives us absolute freedom to choose. And, He can not love us and then try to manipulate us. That's not love. And, he HAS revealed himself in so many ways. But, we often choose to doubt whether those "stories" are true. Or, we try to give alternate explanations for things. Even for stories in the bible. We get to decide whether we believe those revelations.

But, here is another thing I know for sure. Besides the fact that God is love. I know that once you accept His loving, patient, gentle invitation, you WILL get to know Him like you have never imagined! Once your faith moves beyond a hypothesis that you are pretty sure could be true, and into a faith where you make a CHOICE to BELIEVE it....you enter into a relationship with your creator. He gives you the holy spirit. He begins to reveal things to you, you experience his closeness, you get to KNOW HIM. The God of the universe. And, NOTHING can compare to that. NOTHING. It is why you were created.

He is there. He is extending His love. But, he won't force it. He can't. That's not love. He is waiting patiently for you to accept and join Him. So......dew it.

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