About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cramming it in

Yep, we're cramming it all in! Me and my girls. First, we are back to doing a little bit of school each day. Not much, but we really dropped the ball this summer! We weren't even consistent with devotional/bible reading and journaling. So, we've been spending some great time doing that daily, as well as some math. And, add to that some sweet "field trips".
Thursday evening we took a nice long bike ride in PRospect Park. Checked out the entrance to the zoo and the children's area surrounding that. We decided we needed to go back when it was all open. Meanwhile, we walked around the little lake and the children's area, just checking things out.
Friday we went to the Brooklyn Children's museum and spent about 5 hours there. It was great. What a wonderful day. After 5 hours, the place was closing, we were leaving and Liv said "what?? we have to go? Can we come back soon?" I said, "sure" because the cool thing is that I was able to use our Detroit Science Center pass to get in for free (recipricol agreement thing is very cool).
Today, we went into Manhattan for "summer streets". They close off Park Ave from the Brooklyn Bridge all the way to Central Park. No vehicles are aloud, just bikers, roller bladers, walkers, etc. from 1am-1pm. And, there was a family stage area where we listened to a band, the kids jumped in a bounce house, we grabbed a few free samples (mmm, cheese). Then we went into the American Girl Doll store (or world or whatever it is). Wow. That was wild. Three stories of American Girl Doll.....OK.....
We came back home for a little rest, then headed out to Prospect Park - me jogging - the girls biking. Yay, I got to squeeze in a jog (see my last entry). We visited "Letfer's house" which is this old farmhouse from the 1800's. We got to do a tour, the girls dressed up in olden day clothes and bonnets, played with some olden day toys, I couldn't beleive how long they stayed and enjoyed it. Again, they didn't wanna leave and it was closing! So, we finished off with the rest of our bike ride/jog with a quick visit to a playground with a little waterfall thing for the girls to run around and cool off in.
Cramming in all of the free fun activities I can! Cramming in time with my sweet girls. Cramming in some school work. And yet, feeling relaxed and enjoying it SO MUCH!
Tomorrow morning we're going to check out a church in a nearby neighborhood to peek at how they do things (specifically to see how they run their kids program). Then, we're taking advantage of another free performance (Afro-Latino dance) in Lincoln Center in the afternoon before we head to our church in the evening.
So, for those of you asking me to keep you posted on what we're up to, here you go:) We're having a great time.
Expecting a heat wave for the next few days, then our friends are coming to visit mid week!!!! YAY! Can't wait for that!
God is good to us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your having fun! Enjoyed chatting on fb, Alyssa loves the texting.All these modern day conveniences;) She is gonna update her blog soon and maybe drop Alli an e-mail.