About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You may want to skip this one

Just a warning for those of you who are sick of hearing me gush about how much I love my husband, you may want to skip this one!
Seriously, I thank God every single day for bringing Timm and I together. I can not imagine my life without him, and I certainly can not imagine being married to anyone else.
He found out that our all time favorite band is playing in NYC. We have been seeing them in concert since before we were dating! Back at CMU. Tonight, we are heading into the city, where he made dinner reservations somewhere, and then we're going to the concert.
Last night, when he was tired from a long day, he remembered that I had asked him for help figuring out a few things on the new computer. So, he was sitting at the computer, when I know he would rather have been in bed, or reading, or watching what HE wanted on TV, instead of letting Alli watch her stuff. He didn't figure everything out, but he patiently tried, and calmly said we'd figure it out soon. No huffing and puffing and eye rolling and impatience (like me).
This morning, he is up and out the door before 6am, as usual, to work hard to support our family. Never a complaint. And, I do not take it for granted.
And, I love that he supports me in EVERYTHING. Seriously. He makes me feel so appreciated for my role as wife and Mom, even though I never feel like I do enough. And, when I want to do something completely independent, like pack up with the girls and leave for a week, he is all for it. I would suffocate if I were with someone who didn't understand or support my independence. I understand that it works well in some marriages, but God knew that I couldn't be with someone who said things like "I don't want you to go, I'll miss you..wahhhh". Or, "well, I guess you can go, but I really don't like it. Are you sure? What am I going to do without you?" or "i'll be so worried about you" Well, you get the point. Some people appreciate that kind of doting. Ugh, not me.
But, it isn't just what he DOES for me. I just love who he is. Genuinely loving and generous, completely authentic and transparent with whoever he meets, adventurous and fun, willing to listen when I criticize, patient, patient, patient, hilarious, confident, honest, poetic, cute, fun to watch when he tries to dance "the jerk", hard working, God fearing, and a new development in his character that has been sharpened lately....humble.
THank you God for my husband!
Now, if you could just make sure that both of our girls find someone as good as their Daddy if they get married!


Anonymous said...

We could never get tired of hearing you honor your man and Glory God with the credit of forming him.
Glad you got to have a wodnerful date.

T$ said...

No you're schmoopy.