About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


So much to be thankful for!
Each night when I tuck the girls into bed, I try to have them thank God for at least three specific things. It is a great habit to get into, reflecting on blessings. I truly feel that having a thankful heart can change our perspective on life.
So, thanksgiving is coming up this week. Another great reminder to reflect on blessings with gratitude.
My heart overflows with gratitude. Just this weekend, on Friday night we were able to have some friends over for dinner. Had a great time just visiting and eating and drinking. Have had the blessing of getting to know our next door neighbors better. My sweet neighbor was able to come over, along with her sister who is visiting from out of town. It was lots of fun.
Saturday morning, we dropped our girls off at our other sweet neighbor's house to play so that Timm and I could go into Manhattan and join Communitas at NYC rescue mission. No kids allowed there. So, we were very happy to have our neighbors offer to let the girls hang out so that Timm and I could enjoy the serving time together. ANyways, we spent a few hours filling lots and lots of gift bags/boxes for people in need. A little bummed to come out and discover a parking ticket on the van!!! Crap. It's an expensive learning curve trying to figure out parking in the city. $115 fine!
Saturday evening we went to the school where we gather for Sunday mornings, and we helped set up the band and sound equipment. The school let us in the night before so that we could have more time Sunday morning for the band to rehearse. We have the blessing of our music director from Kensington church here this weekend. He and our band are going to lead us in an extended time of praise and worship today. YAY!
After that, we enjoyed an amazing time together at our friend's place on the upper west side. Once i get over the blatant coveting of their great apartment, I can always enjoy myself there! We had pizza and dessert and a time of sharing and prayer and then some music and singing with D.C. playing guitar. Seriously, couldn't have imagined a more enjoyable evening.
So, Timm had to go in very early to church this morning. I decided to let the girls sleep in. We'll be taking the train in very soon. So, gotta go.
Three days....and we will be travelling to MI to see family...YAY! More to be thankful for!

1 comment:

Sonyia said...

Yeah! I can't wait to see you guys back here! Dc is SUPER too! I miss seeing him 'in real life' too.