About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, November 30, 2009

How can I summarize???

I'm not very good at summarizing, condensing, pulling out the main thoughts and shaving off the excess. So, how can I sum up our amazing weekend? First of all, I could refer you to a few different places. Nugget does a good summary of our beautiful thanksgiving weekend at the Kelly Kamp. My Sista pays wonderful tribute to my husband since he had a milestone bday over the weekend. And, in his own words, Timm reflects on turning 40.

As I suspected, this holiday gathering had a whole different feel. I appreciated each moment more, every interaction I enjoyed more. Bottom line, I missed my family and friends, and it was GREAT to see everyone. EVERYONE.

Thanksgiving/Christmas celebration with the Kelly gang. Thanksgiving with my family. My mom preparing a FEAST. A surprise party for Timm's 40th. Lots of kind words shared. I said the next day "That was weird, it felt like a eulogy. We usually wait till someone is dead before we say all kinds of nice things about them!" Lots of cousin play time for the girls. Some play time with friends who came to Daddy's party. And, a marathon play date of about 10 hours with our dear friends and former neighbors! Watching my nephews in a play that I VERY much enjoyed. Those are a few of the highlights. I'm going to try to include some pics of the highlights. Still not a pro at the pic thing. Meanwhile, I must just say, I am so thankful to my God. How good He is to us! I have so much to be thankful for, and I love to pause on THanksgiving and really count my blessings.


K said...

I LOVE the pic summary! I could have done that, if I hadn't forgotten to take my camera to Kamp Kelly!

Anonymous said...

You did a fantastic job on the summery, especially with the fact you spent 84 hours here and only spent about 10 of them sleeping.
Loads of fun, whirl wind of activity, and so much to thank God for. He really has blessed us abundantly.
Loved the pics; none of you and I?

Anonymous said...

We had a GREAT time with your girls. I guess I was wrong, after the visit I missed you guys more. But I am happy you will be back shortly. Having Alli and Liv walking through the house like old times brought back alot of memories:)