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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

No worries

Today I feel this incredible peace. Like, I have no worries. For me, that is miraculous.
But, the thing is, IF I believe that God is good, which I do.....then how does it make sense to worry? And for some reason, it occurs to me that GOD IS GOOD. Such a simple statement of truth. But, it really makes me think that no matter how confused I am or unsure I am or how ugly the world may appear at times, if I can rest in the ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that GOD IS GOOD, then I have peace and hope. If I truly, deeply believe that God loves me more than any kind of love I can imagine....then how can I do anything but praise and worship him? I realize this is not some profound revelation, but sometimes a simple truth just penetrates and really hits my soul.
There is only one comparison that I can conjure up in my worldly experience. When Timm and I were first married, I was dealing with conflict and hurt feelings and confusion at times about the way he did things. I was convinced that some of the things he did were intentional attempts to tick me off. So, I would then try to come up with something that equally communicated my anger to show him that he DID in fact tick me off. Then, one day, we were having a loving discussion about conflict in our marriage and he said something that changed everything for me. He looked me in the eye and professed that he loved me and that he would never intentionally TRY to do things that hurt me. He would never purposely act in a way that he believed would cause me pain or anger or disappointment. Now, know this, I totally trusted his words to be true. And, because of that, it changed everything for me. From that day forward I KNEW that if I was angry or hurt or disappointed with him, he was just being human. He was not TRYING to hurt me. If he failed to show me love, it was not intentional. That has allowed me to offer a ton of grace. And, when I do approach him, I don't attack him, but rather let him know that something he unintentionally did caused me hurt.
I don't know if you can follow the comparison? Obviously, God's love is perfect and unfailing and beyond my comprehension. Timm's love is human and fallible. BUT, like I said, as far as my WORLDLY experience....I know the difference it made in my life the DAY I BELIEVED that Timm loved me and didn't want to harm me.
And, today I BELIEVE that God loves me and doesn't want to harm me. He wants nothing more than to LOVE me like I've never been loved.
Ahhh, I'm going to bask in that glorious feeling today.


T$ said...

I wish I could love you without error, because that's what you deserve. As soon as I get rid of this worldly shell, things will get better.....

Morgan's Mom said...

You have such an awesome way of writing your feelings, great words!! Enjoy your day!!

aw T$ LOVES you!