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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I've mentioned before how many journals I keep. At one time, I had a separate "gratitude journal" that I committed to writing in daily. I would reflect on my day and list three specific things that I could praise God for and be thankful.
Well, I have since stopped maintaining that in writing. But, I often find my prayer journal flowing with praise and thanks.
Last night, I couldn't stop praising God. I was driving home from the hospital, on St. Patrick's Day, overwhelmed with the miracle of a newborn baby. After about 16 hours of labor, the decision was made for my sis-in-law to have a c-section to deliver. Just after 7:30pm, a beautiful baby GIRL was born into this world. Other than my own children, I have never been there for that announcement in the hospital of "it's a girl", nor have I witnessed those first few precious moments of the nurse bathing and preparing the baby for mama. It was beautiful beyond words. Sorry I don't have a picture to share.
But, my gratitude didn't stop there. It was an unseasonably warm, bright, sunny day, which always brings soaring feelings of joy in a Michigander's heart! I was able to go to the hospital because we are blessed with a flexible schedule and I have a sister who helps me and took my kids. I met with my supervisor on this day and officially stepped down from my position at church (which God has been nudging me to do and I was having a little issue with obedience to his promptings). Our realtor called to inform me that someone wanted to see our house, so my amazing husband left work early so he could straighten up the house before the showing, and then he rearranged his evening schedule so I could stay at the hospital and he could be home hanging out with our girls. Our cousin Kelly, who is courageously following God's call on her life and trying to walk in the path He has laid out for her, was told on this very day that she would be offered full time with benefits at her new job (in this economy, that fact alone is enough to get a person turning cartwheels). Timm and I were able to go to a retreat in Pennsylvania over the past weekend that was absolutely anointed by God's spirit and just a ton of FUN. Ok, I could go on and on and on. But, I'll stop there.
God is good.
God is good.
God is good.
ALL praise to Him.
OK, just to be honest, I will admit that after being home for about an hour, I let anxiety and worry creep in. I felt tired and overwhelmed with how "far behind" I have gotten this week due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts :) Life is so strange. We live in a world where the great deceiver will lead us to believe that gratitude is fine, but he doesn't want to let us forget about worry, pain, suffering, regret, self pity, doubt, and fear. And, why is it so easy to default to those negative feelings? I am reprogramming my brain to default to truth, love, mercy, grace, love and trust. Ahh, take that you weak and powerless enemy. I am not my own, I have been bought at a price, and I am not for sale for your evil schemes. I'm sold out to LOVE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you imagin if we really showed gratitude for all the Lord does for us?. It could not be contained in any blog. He has given way more than our minds can even comprehend. I know you have such a wonderful walk of faith and that you will forever see the good He has for you. Joy and Peace to kkft. tmp