About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Good morning God

Sometimes I wake up a good hour before my alarm and remarkably, I feel no need to sleep any longer. Of course, my inclination is to default to the planning part of my brain, to think ahead throughout my day, the night, and the next day to determine if it is wise to give up an additional hour of sleep in exchange for getting up. But, by then, I am into full swing freak out mode, making lists in my head and calculating all of the things I have yet to accomplish in my week, month, or year. I have lost the war of rational thought. I'm getting up.
But seriously, today was one of those days. And, I honestly felt this inexplicable excitement to start my day (along with the anxiety of unaccomplished tasks lingering). The truth is, I really am in love with Jesus. I wanted to get up so that I could hang out with him for a while before trying to tackle my to-do list on my own. He is the only one who can help me put the tasks and emotions into perspective. I needed to vent a bit, and he was there to listen. I had some questions, and he was there to point out some truths that bring me peace. I had some self doubt, and he was there to build me up. Not only does he comfort me in all of that, but at the same time, he will challenge me to be better, remind me that there isn't an easy way, and encourage me that I'm up for the challenge that is life.
I don't know what I would turn to if not Jesus. I happen to believe with all my heart that he is real and that what he says is truth. There really do not seem to be a lot of absolutes in the world. I need at least one.
So, good morning God. Thanks for calling before the day got too hectic. It was great to spend some time with you :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

yelllow light, proceed with caution

I had a clear visual this morning as I spent quiet time trying to listen to God. These don't come very often, so I thank him for the gift.
What I realized, and HATE admitting, is that my disobedience has created a red light in my life. I saw it clearly. I've prayed SO MANY TIMES for God to reveal any hidden sin and roadblocks in my life. Especially this past year and a half. Here and there, I'd feel like he would reveal something. But, today, I realize that I just wasn't willing to listen. He has spoken to me many times, and I ignored it. Who wants to face the reality of sinfulness and the need to change? Not me. Ugh! The pride that reveals disgusts me. I thought I was "fine" and it was OTHERS who had issues to deal with.
So, I'm humbled. And I'm ready to listen. And I'm ready to take the blame for my own pride and unwillingness to acknowledge his promptings. And, as I laid down some very specific things to the Lord this morning, my visual of a Red Light changed to a yellow light. I feel like he is telling me that we can "proceed with caution" if I am willing to remain humbled and stop looking at the speck in others' eyes, while ignoring the plank in my own.
Thank you God for my divine appointment Saturday. I love how you communicate truths to me.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Escaping the Matrix

If you follow T$ blog, you already know that we were able to attend a couple of teaching opportunities this week with one of our favorite teachers. That would be Greg Boyd, pastor of Woodland Hills Church.
He is so intelligent and is able to articulate amazing truths at such a rapid pace, I absolutely love listening to him. He is so passionately in love with Jesus, it is inspiring. If you like to listen to new teachers, or read, and you haven't already, then check him out!
He wrote a book, and presented a seminar called "Escaping the Matrix". And, it was very powerful for me to reflect on. I'm not going to attempt to recap his seminar, as that would be a ridiculous attempt.
But, I will share that I am able to focus this week on the way GOD created me to function on this earth. And that is with God as my Lord, pouring into my spirit, which affects my thoughts and feelings, which in turn affect my body and my outward expression, which affects the world and drives out satan's power. This is called the KINGDOM of heaven. Jesus' kingdom, driving out satan's power on earth. Unfortunately, most of us are often backwards on this! We let satan influence the world, which then influences our body, affects our thoughts and feelings, which affect our spirit, which we think is our spirit and God. But, it was all influenced by satan and his rule over the earth. We perceive things as we gather things through our senses...the world around us! Well, we need to gather our TRUTH from the source of truth, which is our creator. NOT THE WORLD! If you read the scriptures, and they don't seem right, it is because you are brainwashed by the world.
So, should I brainwash myself with scripture? Yep. That's exactly what I should do. With scripture and anything else that points to the truth of my creator. because if I don't actiavely pursue brainwashing myself, then I passively participate in being brainwashed by the world (which is satan's territory).
OK, I said I wouldn't try to recap what he taught. You can see why.
But, here's the deal. Whether you think I'm crazy or not.....I'm actively pursuing the goal of brainwashing myself. Escaping the matrix of this world I live in, and letting the truth of my creator program my thoughts. My computer (brain) will be downloaded constantly with truth from my creator, and not just the images it recieves from this earthly existence. I love the earth in as much as it was created by God! I don't hate the earth. But, I am fully aware of satan's stronghold on the earth, and that part.....I will actively fight against in order to reclaim it for God.
So, if you think I'm crazy, you are right. I am. And I thank God daily for awakening my spirit to His amazing truths and making me a rebel against the principalities and powers of this earth. Bring it on! Because, those powers are real, and evil, and oh so deceptive and alluring. But, when you KNOW the truth, you see those powers of evil for what they are, and you are the victor, and you get the opportunity to be a warrior for the kingdom of heaven. Sign me up! An agent of love and peace and light in a wrold of darkness.
Now you know for sure. I'm a Jesus freak!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I seriously can't handle the biggest loser. I can't watch the show without crying. I'm sitting here playing around on my computer, while the RIDICULOUSLY LONG, drawn out weigh in process is going on on the tv. Next thing I know, I'm a blubbering idiot. THese people are working their literal butts OFF every single day. And, here they are getting weighed in and feeling utterly humiliated. I know it's stupid, but if you saw that guy's face as he stood on the scale after practically killing himself all week with a trainer, and he realizes that he only lost one pound and will likely be voted out of the show....UGH....it kills me. Great, now I have to sit here and watch one of these poor dudes get voted OUT. This is stupid.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

If you decide to live in Michigan...

I really believe that if you decide to live in Michigan, you should embrace and enjoy the winter months. If you are going to sit around and complain about snow all winter, please do us all a favor and move so we don't have to listen to it.
Before you all attack me, I understand that I don't have to commute every day in the white stuff. So, perhaps I am able to embrace more easily. I'll give you that one. And, before you throw out the next argument, I realize that I pretty much go south every year for a week to visit my parents in Florida, which allows me the taste of Spring that gives me hope to get through late winter blues. I'll grant you that one as well.
But, I must reach back through the years and shout out to my aunt and uncle for taking me Up North Michigan to learn to ski at a young age. I'm no expert, but I can hold my own and enjoy myself on a slope.
Secondly, I want to thank God that I woke up Tuesday morning feeling better. Because it was my annual ski trip with my nephew. We got to the ski hill right about when it opened and got our "two for one" lift tickets. We stayed till just about the time our day tickets expired. Even got to ski under the lights for about an hour. Granted, I took more warm-up breaks than my young nephew who only stopped once for the obligatory fueling (an apple) and voiding (quick restroom visit). I tend to get cold quickly and needed a few more hand thawing sessions. Which was just fine.
Anyways, it was great. We had a fabulous day. If you live in Michigan, you really should find SOMETHING you enjoy doing in the winter. Sledding, walking outdoors, reading a book and just peering out the window at the soft white, snowmobiling, getting pulled behind a tractor on a sled while getting huge face-fulls of snow, cross country skiing, ice skating......you get the point.
Happy Michigan winter to you.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Did anyone see a Mack truck?

Did anyone see a mack truck? Because I think I was hit by one. UGH. First day back to school after two weeks off, and I couldn't make it through the day. I HAD to lay down. It was neat to see my substitute teacher step up and take over. Alli really helped me out today. What a great kid! I'm hoping that a bunch of this laying around does the trick, and I feel better tomorrow. And, as I was typing, a get well card was just delivered to me by Olivia. That should do it!
Tomorrow is my once a year ski outing with my nephew. Please...I just want to feel good enough to ski!