About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A week in the life

This week....in addition to the "usual" we have taken on quite a bit of additional running. For the girls, we are running to rehearsals 3 nights this week for upcoming performances. I feel like some stage mom. On top of that, we are considering how we can squeeze in an additional audition for a local theater. I don't usually like to keep such a ridiculous schedule, but right now, we're running.
For T$, he is literally taking on additional running. Check out his blog here to see his plan to go from couch to 5K.
To keep with the running theme, I have a new toy that enables me to be on the run :) Right now, I am typing on my new laptop computer!!!!! I am beyond excited about this. Although, I am feeling a little bit conflicted. Because I really believe that we, as Americans, are sickening in our pursuit of MORE. And I have really felt compelled to simplify in my life. So, how does that fit in with the fact that I now have an ipod, cool cell phone with all the bells and whistles, and now this? Not sure. But, I do, in a strange way, feel that these things are enabling me to simplify. But, it seems a little hypocritical. Really, it just enables me to reduce my bulk. No cd collection if all my music is on a little tiny ipod. No home phone if I use the cell phone (OK, I know I still have to cancel that - what is wrong with me?), and that bulky desktop is really HUGE. When I think of the future, and the fact that we plan to be living in a tiny space, I am thinking about taking advantage of technology in order to simplify the AMOUNT of stuff. But, in doing that, I am actually acquiring more. Whatever. I got a SUPER good deal on this thing. THANKS CARRIE! And Thanks hubby for encouraging me to get it and for the router :)
Oh, if I'm giving an weekly update, I should "throw" in the fact that both girls have experienced a temporary gut issue. First Liv, then Alli. One good barf, and then on to healing. No other symptoms, but we did lay low yesterday to recuperate and avoid other children.
And, I guess I should also mention that I had a birthday last weekend. And I felt so very loved :) Was able to spend some quality time with my lover, received some awesome cards and phone calls, and spend a great time over coffee with a best friend. It was a fabulous weekend!
My life is so good, I have to pinch myself sometimes to believe it is not a dream.
Now, I have to go hug some cute little girls and spend the day talking, snuggling, and learning with them


T$ said...

Alright. That's enough. If you don't cancel the phone today or tomorrow------I WILL. SHUT IT DOWN. IT HAS BEEN MONTHS.

K said...

I am so sad the girlies were sick!! But better now than Thanksgiving week! Too much fun to be had that week.