About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

One of the best things...

I really do enjoy work. It was hard for me to quit my job in order to do the full-time-at-home gig. Of course, I've always maintained some sort of "work" to keep my schedule semi-crazy and force me to manage my time. But, for the most part, I have been a full time stay at home mom for several years now.
It is Saturday morning, and in a strange way, this is one of the best things about my job. See, I often think about ALL that has to be managed in a home. In a family. Laundry, schedules, bills, groceries, maintaining stuff, cooking, cleaning, laundry, organizing, cleaning, laundry, groceries. Etc. Etc. Etc. It never ends. However, I also thank God consistently because I am able to get a good chunk of everything done during the week. Even with the girls home schooling this year, we work together on a lot of those things. They help out a lot more now. So, when the weekend rolls around, I try to have the majority of my to-do list completed. So, this is our Saturday morning. Hanging out in pajamas, enjoying the day as a family. Because I am blessed with the TIME during the week, we don't need to clean the house today, or go grocery shopping, or do laundry. I try to get all of that done so that our weekends can be spent differently.
Today we will bundle up in the rain and head down to Detroit for the monthly BBQ with the homeless. This is the first time all year that it appears we may not be able to avoid the bad weather. Oh well. Next Saturday we get to go to Detroit again to assemble and distribute thanksgiving food baskets to some families. I love that we can carve out the time in our weekends to serve others as a family.
On Sunday, since I still work for the church, I have my day to get up and get myself ready early, and get out the door. The girls either go with me (if they are serving at church as well) or they sleep in a little, and come to service with Daddy. But even on Sunday, I am done with my "work" by 1 or 2pm and sometimes we meet with our new church group in the evening, and sometimes we finish off the weekend with some more down time, just like we start it off on Sat morning.
So, I see this as one of the best things about my job. And, God bless all of you who work full time and have to manage the household as well. I seriously do not know how you do it. But, you are amazing. And, if you can afford it, get yourself a maid for crying out loud! Or leave your house messy and step around the clutter and the dirty floors and push it aside to enjoy a board game on the living room floor! Because, you are doing two full time jobs right now! Something has to give.

1 comment:

T$ said...

You are absolutely the most beautiful and magnificent CHO that we have ever had. You deserve a raise in both your salary and bonus schedule....