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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Masters in TM

Ya know, sometimes I think college degrees are over rated. Seriously. What can you really learn in a classroom about practical life application in a given field?
I think that a Mom should automatically receive an honorary degree in Time Management. And it should be framed, matted and hung on the wall, just like any other degree held in high esteem.
As I look over the past 8-10 years of decision making and ponder my journal entries which plead with God for guidance, there is no doubt that time management is a necessity. Now, as I am home schooling the girls, and trying to teach them this valuable life skill, I am glad that I have my Master's in this so I have some basis for instruction. (Yah, I figure it's a Master's since I already have my Bachelor's).
And, in all of this, I praise God that I have actually had CHOICES to make. Some of us have more choices than others. I have been blessed with many. To work full time? Part time? No time? Daycare? Preschool? Homeschool? Sign up for soccer? gymnastics? Brownies? Church programs? Music lessons? All of the above? None? A few? How much scheduled time as opposed to down time is "right" for our family? How much money do we invest in extra curriculars? Vacations? How do we continue to value others and serve if we are overscheduled? How do you serve others without being over scheduled? And so on.
It is a privilege to manage the time in this home. No classroom could ever teach me these skills. So, I'll take my honorary degree. :)

1 comment:

Morgan's Mom said...

You are an awesome Wife, Mommie, Domestic Goddess, Friend!! You do all the TM you just don't know it, or you make it look really GOOD!