About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Soon it will be time to say goodnight and goodbye :(
We have had such a great visit here in Georgia. And the four girls have played and played and played!!!
We will leave very early in the morning to make the 12 hour trek home.
We have experienced the best of true Southern hospitality. Sis-in-law Deb is a "Southern Lady" through and through. There has been a constant flow of food and the accomodations are not lacking.
So, I just had to give a quick update so my sis wouln't have withdrawals as she checks my blog :)

Friday, November 28, 2008


Just a quick note.
Thanksgiving weekend, and I have so much to be thankful for. I could list things all day long. But, instead, I will drink my coffee while I listen to giggling little girls and a squeeling happy baby, and adult voices of loving sarcasm commenting on morning bed head and stinky-ness, etc. That is what you get when you have 16 family members hanging out together for the weekend. Oh yah, that and a few belly aches last night afer eating a little crazy (me included).
I couldn't even make it through our annual viewing of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation last night. My gut was too wretched.
Right now I am about to go out to the shopping madness with a few other brave souls (aka idiots).
Don't know why God has chosen to bless me in SO many ways. But, I thank Him and Praise Him, and give him ALL glory for this amazing life I have been given.
I'll probably post when I get home from Georgia with a bunch of cute pics!
Oh, by the way, high of 61 degress today. THAT doesn't suck.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

turkey trot

Richmond Middle school hosted the annual turkey trot, and the Kelly girls were invited to participate. They were pretty proud of themselves completing the ONE MILE "mashed potato". Out of the three of us, Olivia was the champion. But, we all finished and had a great time.
Now, we are getting ready to trot out of town for Thanksgiving to spend some time celebrating with the Kelly family in Atlanta, GA.
Hope your Thanksgiving is restful and happy. Hope you are able to spend some time reflecting on the amazing blessings God has poured into your life. I know we will!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

She's the superstar!

Today was an awesome day.
I was a little bit bummed that we weren't able to rally more troops to head down to Detroit to help with the food basket project, but we were happy that our schedule allowed for it.
So, it was much to my surprise when we loaded out of the van this morning in Downtown Detroit and approached the gathering crowd of volunteers just beginning to unload the first truck of food, when Liv asked "Is that aunt Theresa?" I quickly replied "No, Liv....Wait.....Yes it is!" And there she was, along with my nieces and nephew and good friend Michelle, already lined up and heaving boxes. I don't know why I felt honored that they were there helping ME. How ridiculous. This wasn't MY project at all. They simply signed up to help, just like I did. But, it's interesting that Timm and I have been feeling more and more connection with the city of Detroit lately, and it almost felt like they had come to "our turf". I don't know, but I sure enjoyed serving side by side with them.
Of course, it didn't take anyone long to realize who the superstar really is in our family :) Before long, someone was able to detect Theresa's leadership gift from the crowd and quickly put her "in charge" of assembling boxes. It was great. She's running around delegating, encouraging, organizing, correcting, and problem solving. What fun we had.
I was personally so encouraged and blessed by the information I gained about CDC (Central Detroit Christian). You can check out their website here. They are being the hands and feet of Jesus in Central Detroit, and it is so inspiring. THAT is a mission I can get excited about! Also, since we met at Citadel of Faith, Timm and I were able to overhear a few inspiring words given by Pastor Carey there as we were taking some tables into the church, and he was sending out some people from his church to deliver baskets as well.
He was talking about how important it is for us to maintain a humble and loving heart when we are serving people who are needy. If we realize that when we serve the "least of these" we are actually serving Jesus.....that's pretty humbling. It's not simply charity. It's not just an act of kindness around the holidays because we have SO MUCH, and others have SO LITTLE. There's nothing wrong with realizing that fact. But, our heart should be truly honored to be able to serve others. We come face to face with Jesus as we approach a person in need. Anyways, he was inspiring as well. What a great church! You can check them out here.
Great day for our family. We know that God has been stirring us to be a part of an "incarnational, missional church". That's why we feel called to Communitas. But, obviously, we aren't in NY yet. So, to find people in our city of Detroit who are living out those values, doesn't get much better than that!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Masters in TM

Ya know, sometimes I think college degrees are over rated. Seriously. What can you really learn in a classroom about practical life application in a given field?
I think that a Mom should automatically receive an honorary degree in Time Management. And it should be framed, matted and hung on the wall, just like any other degree held in high esteem.
As I look over the past 8-10 years of decision making and ponder my journal entries which plead with God for guidance, there is no doubt that time management is a necessity. Now, as I am home schooling the girls, and trying to teach them this valuable life skill, I am glad that I have my Master's in this so I have some basis for instruction. (Yah, I figure it's a Master's since I already have my Bachelor's).
And, in all of this, I praise God that I have actually had CHOICES to make. Some of us have more choices than others. I have been blessed with many. To work full time? Part time? No time? Daycare? Preschool? Homeschool? Sign up for soccer? gymnastics? Brownies? Church programs? Music lessons? All of the above? None? A few? How much scheduled time as opposed to down time is "right" for our family? How much money do we invest in extra curriculars? Vacations? How do we continue to value others and serve if we are overscheduled? How do you serve others without being over scheduled? And so on.
It is a privilege to manage the time in this home. No classroom could ever teach me these skills. So, I'll take my honorary degree. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A week in the life

This week....in addition to the "usual" we have taken on quite a bit of additional running. For the girls, we are running to rehearsals 3 nights this week for upcoming performances. I feel like some stage mom. On top of that, we are considering how we can squeeze in an additional audition for a local theater. I don't usually like to keep such a ridiculous schedule, but right now, we're running.
For T$, he is literally taking on additional running. Check out his blog here to see his plan to go from couch to 5K.
To keep with the running theme, I have a new toy that enables me to be on the run :) Right now, I am typing on my new laptop computer!!!!! I am beyond excited about this. Although, I am feeling a little bit conflicted. Because I really believe that we, as Americans, are sickening in our pursuit of MORE. And I have really felt compelled to simplify in my life. So, how does that fit in with the fact that I now have an ipod, cool cell phone with all the bells and whistles, and now this? Not sure. But, I do, in a strange way, feel that these things are enabling me to simplify. But, it seems a little hypocritical. Really, it just enables me to reduce my bulk. No cd collection if all my music is on a little tiny ipod. No home phone if I use the cell phone (OK, I know I still have to cancel that - what is wrong with me?), and that bulky desktop is really HUGE. When I think of the future, and the fact that we plan to be living in a tiny space, I am thinking about taking advantage of technology in order to simplify the AMOUNT of stuff. But, in doing that, I am actually acquiring more. Whatever. I got a SUPER good deal on this thing. THANKS CARRIE! And Thanks hubby for encouraging me to get it and for the router :)
Oh, if I'm giving an weekly update, I should "throw" in the fact that both girls have experienced a temporary gut issue. First Liv, then Alli. One good barf, and then on to healing. No other symptoms, but we did lay low yesterday to recuperate and avoid other children.
And, I guess I should also mention that I had a birthday last weekend. And I felt so very loved :) Was able to spend some quality time with my lover, received some awesome cards and phone calls, and spend a great time over coffee with a best friend. It was a fabulous weekend!
My life is so good, I have to pinch myself sometimes to believe it is not a dream.
Now, I have to go hug some cute little girls and spend the day talking, snuggling, and learning with them

Saturday, November 15, 2008

One of the best things...

I really do enjoy work. It was hard for me to quit my job in order to do the full-time-at-home gig. Of course, I've always maintained some sort of "work" to keep my schedule semi-crazy and force me to manage my time. But, for the most part, I have been a full time stay at home mom for several years now.
It is Saturday morning, and in a strange way, this is one of the best things about my job. See, I often think about ALL that has to be managed in a home. In a family. Laundry, schedules, bills, groceries, maintaining stuff, cooking, cleaning, laundry, organizing, cleaning, laundry, groceries. Etc. Etc. Etc. It never ends. However, I also thank God consistently because I am able to get a good chunk of everything done during the week. Even with the girls home schooling this year, we work together on a lot of those things. They help out a lot more now. So, when the weekend rolls around, I try to have the majority of my to-do list completed. So, this is our Saturday morning. Hanging out in pajamas, enjoying the day as a family. Because I am blessed with the TIME during the week, we don't need to clean the house today, or go grocery shopping, or do laundry. I try to get all of that done so that our weekends can be spent differently.
Today we will bundle up in the rain and head down to Detroit for the monthly BBQ with the homeless. This is the first time all year that it appears we may not be able to avoid the bad weather. Oh well. Next Saturday we get to go to Detroit again to assemble and distribute thanksgiving food baskets to some families. I love that we can carve out the time in our weekends to serve others as a family.
On Sunday, since I still work for the church, I have my day to get up and get myself ready early, and get out the door. The girls either go with me (if they are serving at church as well) or they sleep in a little, and come to service with Daddy. But even on Sunday, I am done with my "work" by 1 or 2pm and sometimes we meet with our new church group in the evening, and sometimes we finish off the weekend with some more down time, just like we start it off on Sat morning.
So, I see this as one of the best things about my job. And, God bless all of you who work full time and have to manage the household as well. I seriously do not know how you do it. But, you are amazing. And, if you can afford it, get yourself a maid for crying out loud! Or leave your house messy and step around the clutter and the dirty floors and push it aside to enjoy a board game on the living room floor! Because, you are doing two full time jobs right now! Something has to give.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

As he went along, he saw

Lately, in Communitas, we have been focusing on this portion of John 9:1 "as he went along, he saw...." Basically, we have been focusing on the fact that Jesus was always reaching out to people "as he went along". Rarely do his miraculous healings or supernatural provisions take place because he set out with an agenda to reach a particular destination, heal a person, move along to the next item in his planner, and provide for the needy person, etc. Rather, he goes along and he finds countless opportunities to serve others because he is always keeping his eyes open for those very opportunities!
We are trying to learn to live more like this.
Today, I believe we were able to something "as we went along."
With our small groups, we are meeting twice a month for bible study and twice a month to serve together. Once a month we have found a great fit for our group to help with the BBQ in Detroit with the homeless. But, we have been trying to remain open to God's prompting for the other group serving opportunity each month.
Timm had set up for our group to come out to Richmond today to help with some outdoor work on the school grounds. We were to meet around noon. Before that, Timm took a bike ride, and AS HE WENT ALONG, he noticed a friend, a parent from his job at RMS. She was working on a roof project with her husband. After stopping to chat with her (rather than zip by on his bike and pretend not to notice her) he learned that she and her husband were helping their good friends who are struggling with various medical and financial problems by tearing all the shingles off of their house and putting on a new roof. She went on to express that she was bummed because the volunteers hadn't shown up to help.
We changed our plans for today.
I think they were a little surprised when, a little while later, 7 adults and 5 children came filing out of vehicles with work gloves, shovels, etc. ready to help with the project.
We spent all day there, tearing down shingles, piling them in a dumpster, raking leaves, picking up nails, and meeting new people.
The couple who lives there found themselves staring at us several times throughout the day, repeating things like: "I can't believe you guys are here. I can't believe strangers are in our yard right now doing this work. This is pretty crazy!" Timm was able to share that he knows God led him to run into his friend on the bike ride, and we were happy to be able to help.
After a great day spent in the gorgeous fall outdoors (sunny and 60), we headed home. It was then that I realized something. We have plans to attend a spaghetti dinner, fundraiser, tomorrow. A friend of mine is helping to organize it and I told her we would attend. This friend of mine lives about 30 minutes away, but she said the dinner is closer to where I live, because her friend lives in my town.
When I got home, I looked up the flier and I couldn't believe it. The dinner is for the very family we met and worked with today! They never even mentioned the fundraiser that is going on tomorrow. I look forward to seeing them tomorrow and telling them how I know their good friend and had plans to come to the dinner all along! Some might say, "wow, what a coincidence" or maybe "wow, small world". I say, what a cool God we serve. As we went along, we saw... and now we have met some cool new people and hopefully we can show them a tiny glimpse of Jesus by living open handedly.