About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

windy city

I'm heading out to Chicago today. YAY! I'm finally going to visit Willow Creek. And I'm excited to go to the children's ministry conference! Several people have noted that I haven't blogged in a while. COME ON! Like I don't have anything else going on. Well, we have a showing on the house today. So, I have been cleaning the house for over and hour and a half. How sad. I haven't even gotten to the disgusting dirty tile floors. Oh boy. It might be tight when we get into a little apartment. And I anticipate a little crabbiness on this mama's part about the clutter and mess in such a small area. HOWEVER, how hard will it be to clean 600 sq ft???? That I look forward to. Well, Timm's interview went very well last week. He will hear within 2 weeks whether he is selected. In the meantime, he had another phone interview yesterday. . . and another today. So, that's encouraging. Another family from our launch team just acquired a renter for their home! It is an amazing story, that maybe I will share if I have time. Let's just say they didn't even have it ready or listed yet. It just literally fell into their laps. TOO COOL! Well, I am really crunched for time. I am so THANKFUL to my awesome sister for stepping in big time this week so that I can go to Chicago guilt free, knowing my kids are taken care of. Between her family, my awesome hubby, and his awesome sister, the kids are all set! Hey, I'm only gone for 3 days. I just realized that it takes 3 people to take over my job! He-he. Just kidding. I LOVE my mama job. Well, maybe some day I will get deeper in my blog like Timm does. But, I tend to do that more privately in my daily journal. So, for now, this is all I have. I'm sure I'm forgetting about 7 things, but that's ok. The sun is shining, the fresh spring air is blowing in the windows, and my house is (almost) clean. Life is good. Now, I have to finish cleaning and packing, get Liv, give her lunch, go to teach my classes at excel, then boogie on out of town! Oh, I better squeeze in a shower too. I look hilarious. And it doesn't look like I'm gonna squeeze in a work out. Oh well.


Morgan's Mom said...

squeeze in a work-out??!! your funny cleaning your 5000 sq ft is a work-out.
Have a fantastic time in the windy city. Look forward to hearing about the trip!

Kim Wooster said...

Hey Char, I love your blog. Bill went to that conference in Willow a couple or years ago. He had a great time. Just think cleaning one bathroom will be so easy:) Kim