About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blockbuster, WOW! Que Differencia!

I don't even know if I spelled that correctly. After Timm spent some time in Ecuador, he had a Blockbuster t-shirt with the slogan "Wow! What a difference!" in Spanish. I'll never get that out of my head. Anyways, tonight I offered to go to Blockbuster with the girls to rent a movie so we could have a girl's movie night while Timm is out of town. Cool! However, as we were settling into a parking space and about to exit the van to run through the rain to the building, it occurred to me. Uh oh. I think we might owe some money to Blockbuster. You see, we had fun during Spring Break playing Tiger Woods PGA tour on the Wii. We rented it for the week. On Sunday of that week, we recieved a pleasant call from an employee at Blockbuster "Yes, Mr. Kelly. Someone just dropped off the game rental, Tiger Woods (blah blah blah) and they informed us that they had found it on Woodisde Dr." Oops. Appartantly Timm had set the game on the vehicle while getting ready to leave the house, but in the chaos that ensued, he neglected to grab it. So, it ended up on the road. (Now, let me just stop right here to be very clear about the fact that I am NOT ripping on him for this oversight. First of all, it was a very legit oversight. Secondly, let's just say I have done MUCH worse and have NO place to talk!). So anyways, we were just thrilled that it was turned in and our hope in mankind was restored. How cool that someone didn't just steal it! So, the next day we get another call, from a different employee of Blockbuster "Yes, Mr. Kelly. The game you returned. . . Tiger Woods (blah blah blah) is empty. The disc is not in the case. Please give us a call." DANG IT! So much for our hope in mankind being restored. What the crap? So, of course, being the responsible citizens that we are, we ignored the call and figured we would deal with it when we had to. So. . . . that brings me to tonight. I was only planning on spending $5 on a movie rental. I was NOT looking forward to forking out $50 for a game we don't even have! So, when I make my selection and move forward in line, I start to sweat. You see, I don't like parting with my money. It makes me sweat. Plus it's sort of a weird story, and I'm a little embarrassed to have to go into it. But ANYWAYS, I get to the counter and start rambling my story. And, as you can clearly see, I have a tendency to ramble. So, I finish telling it three different ways because she is just sorta looking at me without much feedback. When I finally stop, she looks over her shoulder at a fellow employee and they shrug. And she says, OK, let's take the hold off that one. And I'm waiting for her to give me the damage amount. She doesn't. She just rings me up and tells me the movie is due back one week from today, and have a nice night. I'm sorta shocked, standing there praying that it isn't over $50. Because I was so shocked, I didn't even give them an adequate thank you. I just sorta walked away wondering what happened. YAY! I love mercy being bestowed on me! And I don't deserve it personally, because I have done stupid things like that countless times. But, in fairness, Timm still deserves a little mercy. He rarely does those things. So, YAY. Just felt like blabbing, and no one is home to talk to. So, that's my story. If you just read it all the way through, you might just have a time management issue on your hands. HA! Sorry.


Sonyia said...

Yes - I do have a time management issue : ) But I love you and wanted to know the whole story! Isn't MERCY wonderful! HE's been givin' to me a lot lately!

T$ said...

You forgot to mention that I was buckling in the three year old boy of our friends that we (meaning You) volunteered to watch for the night so our friends could enjoy an adult evening, and that was serving you as you were in the house putting on some fancy make up and what not.