About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Friday, April 1, 2011

so proud

A few months ago, I expressed some concerns regarding the academic performance of our sweet middle schooler. I discussed it with several close friends and family members. Although she was loving every single day of school and being an all around amazing person, her grades were.....not so good. And, we knew she had potential to do better.
So, I only feel it is right and fair to report that she has successfully achieved her goals of improving those grades!!!! YAY ALLI!
Can I even begin to communicate how proud I am of her? No. It would just be annoying. I really am a bragging mom. I mean, I could go on and on about how loving and caring and nurturing and helpful she is. I could mention how hard she works, how independent she is, and how respectful she is of authority. I could mention the great choices she is making and the wonderful character of the friends she is choosing to spend time with. I could even gush about what an incredibly loving big sister she is. But, like I said that would be so annoying!
Let me just say that I am SO PROUD.


Little Rose of Sharon said...

Love it!!! Congratulations Allison. I know she worked very very hard to reach those goals.
And as a proud aunt i could express how amazing this young woman is by mentioning her joy for serving, her kindhearted nature and her love for truth. If we were making a list I would add her energy and sparkle for life. But since we don't want to be annoying, I will just mention that she shows the power of God in her life!

Aunt KT said...

She sent me an email and told me how good she did. I am SO proud of her too!!!!!!!!!!