About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

your runnin'

Only Timm will understand the title of this post. he-he.
If you ever find yourself in a verbal spat with someone where you are whipping out one line zingers at one another, we find this one to be a fun and effective one-liner. "Oh yah? Well.... you're runnin'."
Yes, I realize it doesn't make any sense. That's the whole idea. Hang around Timm and I a bit more, and you will catch on to our stupidity.
I will be 40 this year and I thought it would be a fun goal to do a half marathon before I turn 40. My friend invited me to join her in an all women event in Central Park. So, I decided to go for it. Last Sunday, we met at the train at 6:15 am and headed to Central Park. We arrived plenty early to enjoy the energy of 10,000 women gathered to run (and to wait the the bathroom line for at least 30 min) before the race started at 8am.
Then we parted ways because we decided to run at our own pace and I was curious to see how I could do.
I'm not sure if I'll ever do another race of this length. People ask if I am going to do a marathon and I just have no desire to run that long or far. But I will admit that I (almost) enjoyed this one. However, throughout the entire run, as I found myself able to keep going at a pretty good clip, and the sun was shining and I was encompassed by the breathtaking surroundings of Central Park, running with SO many other women.....I found myself just praising God. I have no idea why he blessed me with a body that is able to run. But he did. And, as I was running along, I promised Him that I would give ALL glory to Him.
I sometimes complain a little bit because I have friends who are such amazing artists. I complain because I am envious of their ability to create, paint, perform, sing, compose music, and so on....
Then someone will say something like "you are a good runner." Well, so what? What good does that do for anyone? What does that contribute to society? Nothing. So, it doesn't seem like a very valuable gift.
Shame on me. I should be SO grateful for whatever gift God has given me. And, I should give Him all the thanks. And I do. As I was running Sunday, about 2 miles into the run, I decided to give it my all. I had a little conversation with God and thanked him for my body and my legs and my heart, etc. And then I told him I'd use my body to the best of my ability and praise Him the whole time. That was FUN!
I ended up finishing 221 out of 10,000 runners. I was very happy with that. My time was 1hour 44 min. That is just under 8min per mile. I'm sharing that because I promised God at mile 10 that if he could please intercede and keep my calf muscles in tact (and not allow them to explode all over the place like it felt they may) then I would push my hardest and tell everyone that I was simply using the gift HE gave me.
I still don't know why I got that gift instead of creativity or artistic talent or whatever. But, I will be proud of the person God made ME to be.
Funny thing is, we are hosting this weekly "girl's club" with a few 8-11 year old girls. We are going through a book and each week we discus the importance of knowing who we are, being excited about who we were uniquely created to be, and not trying to act like anyone but ourselves.
Perhaps I am learning along with the little girls! Perhaps they are teaching me! I should not wish I was like anyone else, but rather, be the best me I can be.
So, I'd encourage you, if you have a gift, just accept it with grace. Don't be a brat and wish you had gotten a different gift! God designed YOU exactly as he planned. Your plan is not better than his. Accept who He made YOU to be and give HIM the praise! So, go ahead, brag about your gifts and talents, just remember to give God the glory.

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