About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

mmmm, vacation

It's way too hard to recap all the great things that have taken place in the last few weeks.

But, I must at least shout out....
THANK YOU to my awesome family for throwing a great party for us! We felt so loved, it's overwhelming. I am still not up to date on downloading photos, so I can't attach any. But, we had a splendidly beautiful day to spend with family and friends on July 5th.

And now, we are in vacation mode! (I know, I guess I've been in vacation mode for weeks!) Alli and Liv are having the time of their lives with their cousins in Florida. Soon, they will return to Georgia, where we will meet up with them. In the meantime, we are in NY. We have been shopping and setting things up in the apartment, and spending some QT in the City. Meals out, going to the movies, going to Coney Island and checking out the beach, spending time with some friends and enjoying a perfect lunch (weather, food and atmosphere). Getting to know our way around the neighborhood. Translation: Firsat morning here without the girls and Char goes out for a jog and gets lost, whileTimm moves the van to avoid a parking ticket only to forget what day it is and move it to another no parking zone. Oops. We got our first NY parking ticket.

People keep asking me to frequently update my blog....here is the major update...I seriously feel like God has proclaimed for us the "year of jubilee". He is showering us with so many blessings that praising and thanking him feels as natural as breathing! Joy overflows. I only hope that I can contain some of that joy and use it as fuel to sustain me as I adjust to our new life. I pray for God to give me opportunities to serve...as I go along. Right now I feel a little indulgent and self serving with all of this vacationing mindset going on. But, we all need to renew, and that's what we are doing. I feel renewed and refreshed and ready to roll up my sleeves and take on whatever assignments God lays in my path. I long to serve Him by serving and loving His people.

What a very strange summer. I'm not worthy of such a stretch of blessings and time to enjoy...but I will take it. And I will praise God for being so good to me.

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