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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A year ago....

So, I was reading my devotional this week when it struck me that I vividly remember reading this last summer. I even blogged about it. I wanted to put a link to that post, but can't figure out how? It's July 28 of 2008. SO COOL! God is in control of everything. That is true and comforting.
Last summer all I could do was praise God for His blessings, even though I had no idea what in the world He was doing with our family.
This summer, all I can do is PRAISE GOD FOR HIS BLESSINGS! I seriously can't even begin to list the HUGE blessings he has showered on us. Next weekend we settle into our new apartment in Brooklyn. Much later than we had thought, and IN GOD'S ABSOLUTE PERFECT TIMING!!!!
I've been reading through the psalms because I feel so blessed beyond my ability to even communicate. I love reading along with the praises that were spoken and sung thousands of years ago. Even in confusion, anger, and fear, the psalmists find a place for praise!
We had an amazing june and July. Fun in Georgia, North Carolina, West Viriginia, and Ohio. Spending three days doing Cedar Point and Soak City. Oh my! What a fun family vacation!!!!
This weekend I am so excited to head way up to the tip of the UP to celebrate my cousin's wedding!! My entire family is going. YAY!
Seriously, God' timing is so perfect, I can't even stand it. Why He has chosen to bless my family SO MUCh I will never know. But, I thank Him constantly and give all praise to Him. And, every day I surrender myself to His will and pray that He will shine through me in all that I do and say.
I hesitate sometimes to share how blessed I feel. I know the hardships so many are facing in their lives, and I feel unworthy of such blessings. And, it's so confusing and frustrating for those who do not understand why they are in such a dark place. I don't understand it either, but can only lift them up in prayer. But, I hope that by sharing, I can be encouraging to others. Believe me, I am unworthy and I know it. I hope I never boast or have pride about these blessings, I hope that I can always just give praises to the one who deserves it!

1 comment:

T$ said...

I praise Him with you and thank you for all the encouragement you give me each day.