About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, June 29, 2009

What's the date today?

Hey, this date looks familiar...Oh yah, it is our anniversary!!!!! One might not know it by observing the way my husband and I are spending our day (in separate states) but, we are both glowing from our shared appreciation for the gift God has given us. A marriage that is truly rooted in His plan and His hope and His love. Believe me, God has everything to do with our marriage. If we had just come into this with our own selfish agendas and plans, we'd be toast. As it stands, we are able to face our human imperfections and shortcomings by accepting God's grace and forgiveness and then attempting to extend that to each other. Happy Anniversary to us! For those of you who were there on the wedding day, you know how sickening happy I was on that day! And, I can say that God has blessed us with a wonderful marriage!

OK, people keep asking me to update my blog. Well, geez! I thought I did a pretty good job just 10 days ago. But, I'd be happy to ramble on about our family and what we've been up to the last 10 days!

After a week in NY, we packed up our suitcases and travelled back to MI. We travelled on Father's day and were able to make the trip in just over 10 hours. We arrived at my parents' house just in time for dinner and relaxing time with my Dad. That was nice. It happened to be my nephew's 6th birthday as well. So, it was nice to sing happy birthday to him and give him love on his special day.

Timm had less than 24 hours before he had to turn around and head out of town again. So, on MOnday, the girls started their week of theater camp, and Timm and I went shopping for a sofa. We had decided on one from target, but it wasn't available online, and NONE of the Target stores in NY had them in stock! It comes in separate pieces and we found two in Port Huron, and two in Chesterfield. My sister was able to pick up the girls and take them swimming at Grandma's while we finished our running around. Timm took off in his rental car, saying goodbye to us for the next 11 days, and then we got ready for an evening at vacation bible school. I volunteered to help all week, and the kids had a great time singing, crafting, and learning about ancient Rome and the underground church and Paul's ministry. Very fun.

So, this week.....the girls had rehearsal each day for their play "The Pied Piper" and each evening they did vacation bible school. In between, they swam. It was finally hot! A wonderful week. On Saturday, they had two performances at the Richmond Community Theater, and we were blessed to have both sets of Grandparents come out to watch, as well as Aunt KT, Aunt Kelly, and Aunt Liz. My kids have a fan club! They did great. Liv as a rat and Alli as a cook. I'd love to share adorable photo's, but am having a major issue with uploading photos at this time. Let me just tell you....they LOVED their week of theater! THis is the second year they have done this. And, they loved it beyond words. On the way home from McD's (where we went with their cousins to bask in the after show glory and eat greasy food and play on the playland) Alli said "This was the best day of my life!"

Oh, by the way! DUH! Guess where I am right now? Sitting at my in-laws house ON THE INTERNET! That's right, they got hooked up to that there internet machine this week! Pretty cool.

OK, so that brings us up to yesterday, Sunday. Went to church and out to lunch with aunt KT at Panera. YUM! Then the kids went swimming. Next, we packed an overnight bag and I drove them out to Clarkston for a sleepover at our good friend's house. I stayed and visited till 10pm, then came back to Memphis. Now, they are in Clarkston, living it up with their friends. Today, I will eventually get off this computer, clean up a little around the house, run a few errands, then go to pick them up (stopping on the way to get new running shoes). Anyways, when we get home this afternoon/evening, we will be greeting the Atlanta crew! Timm's bro and sis-in-law and our nieces are arriving today from GA! They will be here for over a week to visit. The girls are so excited, they can hardly contain themselves! Especially since, when they depart for GA, they are taking my girls with them! And, they get to travel WITHOUT Timm and I for a week. At that time, Timm and I are taking another load (sofa and a few garage sale purchases I scored on this week) out to NY. WHile there, we will take advantage of some time to get settled into our apt, arrange things, etc, and celebrate our anniversary with a date on the town in Manhattan, and visit with some friends out there. Then, we will head out on the road to GA to meet up with the girls.

OK, I will stop. I have this tendency to RAMBLE ON AND ON AND ON! Sorry. I have said it before, I will say it again....BLESSED! We are so BLESSED!

Almost forgot, a pool party this Thursday to celebrate Liv's b-day (which was in May). But, it will be interesting to see what happens with this crazy MI weather! Looks pretty cool this week!

Signing off....


T$ said...

I love you.....

Anonymous said...

Yea, glad I took the time to check again. You got internet.
I am glad you are not toast. I see your marraige more like a delightful chicken salad: lots of healthy green, good heap of chicken for strength, some nuts, and of course a covering of oil.
Yep, keep up the great work learning from The Master. Love you lots happy 13th. Yep, no card from me again this year. Maybe someday. tmp