About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

high on chocolate

Seriously. Have you ever been high on chocolate? Wow.
Our friends recommended a place to us called "The Chocolate Room". They explained the banana split and how they sprinkle sugar on top of it and fire it to form a glaze on top. OK, must try this!
So, we went there last night and enjoyed every last drop of this heavenly creation. Contemplated licking the serving bowl clean. When we tasted the hot fudge, we entered a new realm of reality here on earth. Never tasted no chocolate like that before.
After we left, we walked around a bit and I swear, I was a giddy, stumbling, giggling goofball, high on good chocolate. OK, it might have something to do with the company I was in too :)
We were already trying to figure out the next occassion that may be worthy of a trip back to this place to try the brownie fudge sundae. We might HAVE to find a way for this to be in our budget at least on some sort of a regular basis.
Tonight we meet Communitas in Central Park for FUN night. Tomorow we get in the van and drive drive drive down to GA. Looking forward to seeing my beautiful girls and hugging them up!


Anonymous said...

I guess those girls better but the chocolate room on their rewards list, along with night out with mom. Sounds like a worthy motivator.

caron said...

okay Char, you should get a commision on every sale they make from your advertisement! I'll put it on my list of places I want to go in NY.