About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We did it.
We sold our house.
We closed the deal yesterday. On the way to the real estate office, I confided in Timm that I have not been entirely confident that we actually did sell this house. Here we are, completely moved out, the place is empty, and I couldn't rest assured. I mean, I knew it would happen as planned, in all liklihood....but....I just knew that anything could happen! It felt so good to sign the papers! And, it felt so good to NOT bring a check to the closing. We even got a few bucks back that we overpaid in taxes.
Praise God!
It is almost comical that I can praise God for allowing us to break even on our house! Especially if you knew my heart when God first knocked gently upon it and asked me to give up my security in my home.
So, on this glorious sunny day, I am so happy. I enjoyed my girls weekend away, while Timm hung out with our girls. I am refreshed and renewed after gabbing for hours and hours with great women, eating, shopping, and playing together. I even had a big surprise and ended up coming in first place in the 5K we ran over the weekend! That was cool and unexpected.
Now I am enjoying an ENTIRE week of having my husband home! Yay! Cuz it is kinda sickening how much I love that man.
God is good.
On Sunday, our sweet Isabella was dedicated and we all celebrated! That is an awesome thing. Just to see how many people will pour love and truth into her life...what a blessed baby girl she is!
Now, I am at the library, since I don't have internet at home. And, my sweeties are asking if we can go. So, my updates are brief and hold little sentiment. But, I will say again, GOD IS GOOD.

1 comment:

T$ said...

God is Good. And I love you more.