About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saying goodbye

Well, in just 2 days, we will leave this house. Every morning, I sit in this office and spend time with my best friend, Jesus. And, I always find myself looking out the window at His awesome creation and praising Him for the trees, clouds, birds, green grass, etc. And, I always praise him for the neighbors. What a seriously awesome neighborhood we have been blessed by!
Tonight, we will walk around the few streets in our little subdivision and say our goodbyes. I think I have tried to stay so busy with packing and planning that I could avoid the emotional poop that I feel about leaving such wonderful people. But, today is the day to face it. Ugh. I'm better at avoiding :)
All I can do is praise God for giving us the gift of such an AWESOME place to raise our kids for the last 7 years.
And, ultimately, I have certain faith that we are running the race God has set before us. So, I don't feel any sort of hopeless dread or fear or unbearable sadness. Not at all. I am eager and excited to experience the next place God has prepared for our family. I have an underlying joy that can NEVER be taken away.
But, I am learning to face my emotions - both the pleasant and the unpleasant. They are both real and necessary in this human realm. To avoid either the pleasant, or the unpleasant would be to deny reality.
And, today it is with sadness that I will say goodbye.
Tomorrow I will pack....
The next day I will move....
After that I don't know when I'll update this blog :)


K said...

I can't take it!!! Don't make me weepy at work. That is enough!

Anonymous said...

I know your neighbors will miss you even more than you will miss them. Becaue you have been a true neighbor to those near you. You have loved and cared for your community. You have set yourself out as a woman of faith and service. 7 years: the time of completion; way cool. Love you lots. Pickel Head.

Anonymous said...

Glad the kids have more time to squueze in than one more day:)

Living My Backward's Life (formerly A Michigander Grows in Brooklyn) said...

The only good thing about saying goodbye is that soon I'll get to say Hello to you as my neighbors!