About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, October 20, 2008

week 7

Well, we started week #7 today in our home school curriculum, and all is well.
Some things I am liking about homeschooling: 1) flexibility with our time on a daily basis, an hourly basis, and a weekly basis 2) spending time with my girls 3) learning some things from literature and history that I do not believe I have ever known, and seeing the girls getting excited about learning it too 3) Hearing one of the girls ask "when do we get to start history and science?" 4) not spending evenings pouring over homework and papers from school 5) field trips 6) being able to take the time to answer questions and discus topics of interest with my girls every single day 7)huddling up on the couch eating a snack and taking turns reading aloud from our books 8)allowing the girls to be more involved in household activities like cooking and cleaning, even though it takes a lot more time to teach them and let them "help" than to do it myself 9) being able to teach every subject through the christian worldview and training the girls' hearts to respond to the world in love, like Jesus 10) Seeing the joy on their faces when they are successful at something or are proud of some hard work they have accomplished.
I could go on, but just thought I'd say, things are going well. Thank you God for leading me to this decision. I never would have thought this was the road for our family, yet obedience to His nudging has already had great rewards!


K said...

I am so glad that you and the girls are loving the homeschooling.

Anonymous said...

Great list: every word true to the joys of homeschool life. I was just wondering... who is teaching the math? I don't have 2 3s on our number line LOVE YOU!!
So glad you are enjoying the special season of learning. Keep up the great work. tmp