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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ahhh, I needed that!

For the last 13 years, Timm and I have been a part of a "small group" through our church. For the last 10 years or so, it has been a Friday night routine. Every other Friday night, breaking bread together (pizza), fellowship (sharing stories, laughing till our eyes water and our guts hurt, making fun of each other ruthlessly, etc) , studying God's word, praying together, and holding each other accountable for life choices, laughing some more, eating some more, listening to the kids run around and squeel with delight, and inevitably staying up much later than we thought we would and dragging the sleepy kids to the car, or to bed WAY too late!
Last night was no exception. As a matter of fact, it was even better. Because we were able to share the evening with Craig who has this incredible gift of teaching and vision casting. Everyone we meet with for our small group now is a person who has felt called to be a part of the ministry taking place in New York. However, we are still in Michigan. It was just so nice to spend some time with Craig and just listen to him share stories of how God is working in the city, what has happened that they did not expect, and what it has been like to adjust to the new way of life. Like I said, he just has this wonderful gift for casting vision.
I think we all needed to be reminded that Jesus has called us to be his hands and feet to the world we live in. It doesn't matter if we wake up in MIchigan, or New York, or India, or wherever!!!! Our mission on this earth is the same, no matter what. To love. To show God's love. To preach the good news to others through our words and actions.
I honestly don't know how people can go through life without experienceing comunity as God has intended us to. I don't care if you are an introvert or extrovert or whatever. God created us to do life together. And our Friday nights have always been about that. True friendships. Not the kind that go like this: "how ya doin?"....."Fine"....."that's good".... But, true friendships that sometimes are warm and fuzzy and feel great, and sometimes are difficult and confusing and frustrating and do not feel great at all. If you are only loving people when it feels good and is comfortable and makes you feel warm and fuzzy, perhaps you need to explore what LOVE really means. We need to learn to LOVE each other even when it doesn't feel easy or good. That means asking and answering difficult questions. It means NOT ignoring the tough stuff. It means honesty, integrity, humility, and sometimes suffering and aggrevation. But, that is community. It is the only way to live.
So, ahh, I needed that. A good dose of VISION from the pastor. A good dose of true community with others. A good dose of pizza and brownies, and listening to the kids scream and squeel as they played together. All the while, learning to walk the narrow path that Jesus offers. Learning that it is often a difficult path that requires more self denial than any of us are capable of on our own. Learning that if we try to do it the "easy" way, we are fooling ourselves. Learning that we need each other. And, most of all, learning that God's will for us is actually quite simple (notice I said simple, but not easy) and that is to glorify Him in all that we do. To make him Lord. To simply submit ourselves to him every moment and let Him lead us. It really is a simple concept. He created me. I am His. My joy comes from serving Him and spending time in his presence and in His word.
And now, it is Saturday. 10:30am, and I am still in jammies. (that was just for you sonyia-cuz i know you have been up for over 6 hours already). Life is good.


Mayes in Manhattan Blog said...

Now that I have discovered your blogs, I will be able to keep up with how you are doing- almost like reading your minds! This is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Now that I have discovered your blogs, I will be able to keep up with how you are doing- almost like reading your minds! This is awesome.