About Me

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I'm not really a superstar, except maybe to my husband, who I happen to be deeply in love with. My life: Discovering, growing, evolving, learning to live and love like Jesus, and accepting invitations to adventure along the way.

Monday, October 27, 2008

true colors?

True colors. Am I speaking of the incredible fall landscape God has blessed my optical sensors with? Ummm, not exactly. Just had to admit, today was the first day in our school year so far that I let my "true colors" show.
You see, I lack patience. Yes, hard to believe, I know. But, God has mercifully worked in me to grow me slowly into a more loving person, and it has helped me be more patient. But, I am a sinner. And one of the sins I struggle with is lacking patience, and lashing out in anger.
So, day one of week eight in our homeschool journey, and I lost control of my tongue. I resorted to sarcasm and teeth gritting, and placing my hands on my head while mimicking the act of pulling my hair out, while my face was beet red. I'm just being honest. I feel I should be honest about my struggles if I'm being honest about all that I have to celebrate.
Truth is, I still see the blessing in this. Because, if God had not miraculously changed my ugly heart over the last few years, the behavior I exhibited today would be the norm. Now, it is a short term relapse. I apologized to my girls, asked for forgiveness, and changed gears so we could start over. All is well. They are gracious and understanding of my shortcomings, and I try to extend the same grace to them.
True colors. Mine can resemble the dead grey of winter some times, but God really can transform them into the beautiful, vibrant array of colors we experience in the fall. Thank you God.


Anonymous said...

Might be true colors but only a small tiny corner in the fantastic portrait of YOU. The amazing work of our Father has created such a great work of art and as you said He is not done yet. Thanks for being honest in your web log. Have a super day. tmp

T$ said...

I still love you, and so does God.